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Oh no... Peanut butter disproves evolution...
Checkmate. Lmao

WeaZ 7 Feb 26

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It always amazes me that religious clergy all seem to be experts on science.


Seems religious people are really incestuous more than we could ever realize!

More moronic spiritual nonsense!

Next they will tell us that ketchup on a hotdog is the blood of Jesus resurrected!!!


Wow!!! Just wow...cretinous doesn’t quite cover this! 🙀


And these people have children and their children have children. This is how you end up with places like Alabama and eventually you end up with trump. This is called "de-evolution".


Sometimes....there just aren't any words!


Incredible........The guy thinks we are peanut butter. IF he left the jar open, It would create life from bacteria.
So, If I put him in a jar and closed it, all we have is a jar of crap.

I am not sure if he does think that, it is all too carefully contrived for them not to have researched evolution well, at least to the point of seeing the obvious falacies of the argument. I strongly suspect that he knows it is untrue, but thinks he can fool enough idiots with it, to keep them putting money in his tin.


So sad.

skado Level 9 Feb 26, 2020
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