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Progressives plan to #BernTheDNC with mass nonviolent civil disobedience if democratic establishment rigs nomination

"All of the broken promises, the mirage democracy, the faux hope and change, the betrayals—all of these will fuel our response. And in that way, this goes way beyond Bernie. It’s quite literally for everyone—everyone who is sick and tired of living under an oligarchy that refuses to raise our wages, refuses to understand healthcare is a human right, busts our unions, buys off our political leaders, refuses to meaningfully fight Trump and the fascists he works with, incarcerates us like no other country in the world, and is bleeding the planet dry—all of us who are sick and tired of being sick and tired…

There can be no progress on any issue if we don’t insist on a basic foundation of self-determination and a democracy of, for and by The People."

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nogod4me 8 Mar 2

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I love me some Robert Reich. <3

Nunya Level 6 Mar 3, 2020
  1. Bernie at the top of the ticket would keep the Senate in Republican hands, and likely lose the House as well. He's been asked about that repeatedly and he always ducks the question. You can't get progressive issues passed if you don't have Congress. And, Bernie's legislative record is pathetic for the amount of time he's been there. 60 Minutes trotted out a couple of Bernie's skeletons, but he's got a lot, lot more. His showing in North Carolina proved that his hope of creating a whole bunch of new voters was only that: Hope. The young people stayed home, forgot, or whatever. Young people are singularly unreliable voters in an actual election. The Blacks had no particular interest, and that's a bloc that Bernie must have to get elected. And the turnout was less than in 2016. An utter failure there. I love Robert Reich and Bernie. Wonderful ideas, but only if you can get elected, and then into law. I suspect we'll see more of the same on Super Tuesday and thereafter.

Go for it


If all registered Democrats watched this, I think Bernie would be projected to win the presidency by a landslide. IMO, the DNC is criminally moderate.

Less than 50% of registered Democrats identify as progressive. 28% of registered voters are Democrats about the same number are Republicans. The rest are registered Independents. The Indies are moderate whether they lean left or right. Only about 10% or less of Indies are really independent. Do the math. It is scary.


Non-violent, and I like it.

I doubt the cops and the Dem establishment in Milwaukee will allow the protest to stay non-violent. I remember how the 1968 Dem convention in Chicago became a police riot...

@TomMcGiverin A good point.


There will be no rigging. There will be just throwing out an extremist leftist who has never been a Democrat and preventing his hijacking of the party platform. Invaders and robbers must be thrown out.

What's your definition of ringing?

Ringing is ringing a bell.

But rigging is orchestrating the outcome you want. In this case, edging out Bernie by super endorsements including of Obama and delegates engineering to Biden.


Rigging yes, thank you.

So we agree, rigging is when the elites overrule the will of the people to prevent a leader from getting into power.

Where we disagree, you are encouraging this anti-democratic action and I will fight against it. Even if it were the other way around, if Biden got the most votes and they decided to give it to some other candidate for whatever reason, I'd be opposed.

This is the perfect strategy to piss off a large segment of the party, fracture it into bits, and discourage future generations from joining. It's extremely detrimental and will end in disaster.

Rigging happens all the time in the real world. We are not talking what is right and what wrong. Arm twisting, bullying, blackmailing, character assassination, lying... all happens in politics. A lot of it in Washington.

If Bernie is thrown out with rigging, it would be for a good cause and for the larger good. I for one would be very happy. No, let me say.. I want it to happen.


Too bad centrists and the party establishment are unwilling to listen to or accept these facts. They like the status quo as it is, unlike the majority of voters, and they just want someone else instead of Trump to maintain that status quo for them. In their denial of these facts, they are no better than Trump, with his charges of fake news and his embrace of "alternative facts", better known as lies, to you and me.

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