Will Social Media Destroy Democracy?
What democracy!?! If the last election cycle wasn't enough to prove to you that democracy was an illusion and you missed the last 4 decades of warning and evidence, what will it take? The DNC and their lawyers, in court, admitted they are not liable, willing, or held to by the judge of that case, of conducting a fair primary election. They can and did with gross intent unfairly select their candidate by means of lies, deceit, and voter tampering during the 2016 primary. From day one in Iowa to the end. The republicans have been engaging in voter purging for decades. Based on same name records across state lines taking 100's of thousands off the national voting list. Look up Greg Palast to see how that works. The 2 party system in the US is a voting scam they are both a part of. Proof? The fact that each could hold these truths against each other and yet go from election cycle to election cycle without doing so. Clinton didn't lose, Trump was preferred by the owners of the system. Sanders didn't lose, Clinton is part of the system in which she goes along with. Sanders couldn't be allowed to get anywhere near the white house in the capacity we expected from him. Clinton was to make that insurance. Trump may very well be the first deep state member to become our president. If you want democracy, get out of the illusion of managed perception the republican and democratic party have you engulfed in.
I have a feeling in time, it will strenghten it.
I lean in that direction myself, as long as we can keep the internet free, in both senses of the word. Mass distribution of knowledge & information can be a powerful tool!