Johns Hopkins University says that it thoroughly vets all the incoming data and confirms any new cases with local and regional health departments before posting it on their site.
You can use this interactive map on your desktop computer by visiting this site, or on your smartphone with the mobile version.
If you want to the latest breaking news about the novel coronavirus in the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention app is one of the most reliable places to start. As part of the Department of Health and Human Services, the CDC is the nation’s leading national public health institute.
You can find this app on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for free. You can also access all of this information online by clicking this link.
If you are looking for trustworthy news sources about the coronavirus, you should look for sites that “have a mission to inform and protect the public,” according to Robert Shmerling, the faculty editor at Harvard Health Publishing. Specifically, Shmerling suggested looking at the myth busters page on the World Health Organization website.
The myth busters page on the WHO website breaks down the most common myths surrounding the virus that have been floating around social media sites. With this source, you can quickly find out if the stories you are reading on Facebook and Twitter have been debunked.
For example, the WHO says there is no danger in receiving mail from China because the virus does not survive that long on objects like letters and packages. You can also find other resources around the coronavirus, including videos on how to protect yourself, audio press briefings, travel advice, and more at
The CDC and WHO are my go to sites for information. Cool Johns Hopkins map.