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How on earth is The Big Lebowski a classic, cult comedy? For heaven's sake, this boring, dumb movie couldn't hold my attention for more than 2 or 3 minutes at a time. About 30 minutes in I gave up and am looking for something else to watch. Any suggestions?

JustAskMe 6 Mar 9

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It was a waste of time for me too.....I had been thinking I would try to watch it again somebody....I obviously missed something!

Thanks for posting!

twill Level 7 Mar 10, 2020

Yeah, as big a Coen Brothers/Jeff Bridges fan as I am, that was not one of my favorites for them. O Brother Where Art Thou is my favorite for the Coens and the Fisher King is my favorite for Bridges. What kind of movie(s) do you like?

Excellent suggestions! I like all sorts of movies, but currently looking to laugh.

@JustAskMe The Coen bros remake of "The ladykillers" is very funny. Also, I would recommend "Dead in a week or your money back" and "The death of Stalin" both on Netflix

@273kelvin THANKS!

O Brother is probably their funniest work. Fisher King is a blend of comedy and drama with Bridges and the late great Robin Williams. The funniest movies to me lately have been the Cornetto trilogy with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and the Worlds End. If you haven't seen them, check them out!

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