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Book: "The Unraveling of the Muslim World"


American parrallel taking place?

twill 7 Mar 10

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I've been to all countris in the ME, one thing was obvious and evident. They can't stand each other, not just saudis or iranians, not just sunni and shiite, neighbor hates neighbor, they consider the asian muslims as second class. It's all bullshit.

Ugly place, huh?

@twill on the contrary, most countries are architecturally gorgeous, infrastructurally superior to any city in the US, but the ugliness comes from the way they treat each other.

@Mofo1953 That's what I meant


I wonder. I guess she means the end of some sense of cohesion, or at least the detente between the factions. I don't see the Islamic world imploding. And what on earth to make of religion in America?! It's fractured in the sense of so many denominations but still functioning while some of them now have the ear of the government, even so far as to think about religion in political terms, and vice-versa!

From what I gathered from the limited info from the review, religion/ fundamentalism/ theocracy blew this world apart.

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