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Please be aware;

#1. Corona viruses as a group, or genre, are NOT new. Several types of "common cold" are in the corona virus family. COVID 19 is new, and defined as a "Novel Coronavirus"

#2. COVID 19 - the "Novel Coronavirus" is tapering off in the nations where it started...China and S. Korea. The apparent time from outbreak to extinction is a couple of months.

see the graphs here; []

#3. Yes COVID 19 is VERY contagious. Yes the symptoms are dry cough, fever, feeling ill. Yes it has up to a 6% mortality in those who are elderly or whose health is already compromised.

#4. Yes COVID 19 is easy to avoid. Basic frequent sanitation. avoiding crowds. Isolation. Let's do a small part to save our elderly and health-compromised from death.


Robecology 9 Mar 14

Enjoy being online again!

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