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I started a new job and was told the two things to not discuss were politics and religion. First thing I see at someone's desk, up for all to see is a sign that says "Jesus is the only way to be saved". I've not talked to this individual or my boss about the sign because I'm new and don't want to rock the boat. Not sure how to proceed.

theonewhothinks 3 Mar 31

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Well, That's annoying! Hypocrisy right out the gate. I'd certainly ignore to save my own scalp & peace of mind for now. Let them "talk to the hand" & you, for Your health & well-being, focus on the job you came to do. Good luck.


Yup, as others suggested, put up your own sign. And let the other person be the first to complain. If they don't complain immediately, I'm sure that they eventually will.


Quietly put up a sign on your desk that reads "Jesus saves, but Moses invests." That should start the conversations going!


Personally, I would allow them their free speech rights and do nothing.


Just forget about it


How about posting your own sign - the humanist phrase - "Good without a God" ?

... or "if God lacks nothing, then give him nothing. Make God "Go-o-d"


I'd stay quiet for now, and perhaps do more once you've learned the lay of the land you're in.


It's easier and better for you to say nothing than causing a huge problem with the believers. They get offended and angry at anything not to their "standards"


Say nothingfor now. Access the environment and proceed cautiously.


Best advice is to avoid both, and sexuality too. They all are too intertwined. The existing staff has already found a way to get their behavior accepted, likely because the majority is Christian, the one true religion, and everyone knows or should know that it is! Best to avoid those issues and observe over time what really is accepted.


my last job on the first page of the handbook, 2 sentences in it says, "First we give glory to God". I thought Fuck! But I have become really good at sideswiping conversation with believers. I'm always so vague they don't know what the hell I believe in, or not. Keep em guessing..


My advice is to leave it alone as long as the co-worker doesn't try to convert or otherwise discuss it with you.


Such knobheads. As the sign has already been seen by you & others it's obviously been accepted. You might ask if it's ok for you to put a sign up too.

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