Born of a Virgin -
Dionysus - Horus - Osiris - Attis - Odysseus - Romulus - Ra - Tammuz
But Jesus was SPECIAL!
Born of a slut who lied about fucking the milkman and every twat believed her and still does. I wouldn't want to be thrown off of a car park either.
Even Jesus' name was not special. At the time of the crucifixion it was the 6th most common name, and about 70 graves from that time have been found with Yeshua on them. There was likely a reason that the bible predicted the savior to be called Immanuell instead of Yeshua. Imagine if God told us that the next savior was coming....and his name would be Bob.
Yesuha or Joshua
Mary really stuck to her story
I think I've figured out a way that we don't get stoned.
The Bible was written by story tellers. You can't reconcile chronology in the Bible with scientific data such as archeological data which would represent a physical record.
Goat herders who had no idea where the sun went at night.
Also, there aren't endless surviving documents from the time that you could use to look at the documents to see what they say, to compare the documents to what it says in the Bible story or Bible literature.
@BufftonBeotch went to bellow land where the demons live and everything is the oppersite and back to front
@JoelLovell I'm sorry. What?
@BufftonBeotch that was one of the myths they would tell, that's where the whole summoning of demons using mirrors, saying chants backwards or demons living in the sea. They used to believe that the underworld was where demons habituated. They did have an idea where the sun went... They were just wrong.
In literature then, was Jesus special, by the fact or idea in literature of the Virgin birth? No - as you point out there's various literature about the Virgin birth idea or virgin births. Of course the New Testament is written in a certain way and the claims of religion and the New Testament have their own gestalt of surrounding material. The other literature has its own gestalt of its surrounding materials.
Have you seen that map with the area where all the stories in the Bible took place circled? It is a very small circle.
@BufftonBeotch Yes, I see what you're saying. Stories of the Old Testament to the New Testament in the Bible, are happening around Arabia or the greater Middle East, Africa and Northern Africa, Also we can see some materials of it surrounding the Mediterranean to Greece or so. Some people study this, or materials related to this, in detail.
One idea at play here, is the literature versus the actuality determinable?
He's not even tops on the Rank-Raglan hero type.
The water to wine trick could make him a very popular dinner guest.
Was he really?
It is incredible to think that people had no clue about basic reproduction.
It’s the same story modified through oral history. If it wasn’t such a great story they would have stopped using the same materials. Same with flood myth (which has some basis in truth) and a few others.
There are flood myths in many cultures because most population centers are going to be near water and therefore prone to a cataclysmic flood. It is also understandable for the tale to expand to "the entire world." Because it was their entire world.
In statistics, they have something called a meta analysis. They get past studies, crunch the numbers, and come up with results based on those previous studies.
Christianity is a meta religion: it borrowed from past myths, to come up with something completely new.
Oh wait: the devil put those other religions in the past, to fool people. Yes, the devil has a time machine. (Yes, that's absurd-- but that has been presented by FTBers as a way to explain why other religions have similar tall tales).
I think much of the new testament changes came from traders to and from Asia and exposure to those philosophies and speaking about it.
I get such a kick out of this. We are beings who reproduce sexually. If we don't copulate, we don't reproduce. What is so "dirty" about that?
Not directed at you for your comment, but I hate it when I read/hear anyone refer to sex as dirty, filthy, nasty, trashy, mind in the gutter. Sex is normal, natural, healthy, exciting, pleasurable, satisfying, beautiful.
Sex is a gift.
But maybe no cats under my bedroom window sex.
If you have never heard that you are lucky.
It is the most awful sound.
I have. I agree.