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Ricky Gervais said it best.

I see many looking for lectures and literature on atheism which I don't understand really. How do you educate yourself about not believing in fantasy?

I've heard things put many ways but I think Ricky Gervais said it best with,

"if you take all of the books and knowledge away today, Tomorrow science will come back exactly the same but your religion will not".

It doesn't get anymore profound and exact than that.

MartinG 6 Mar 31

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Very good


Except that science wouldn't come back exactly the same. Certainly not instantly. We'd be back to a flat Earth (well it looks flat) and the sun, planets and stars moving around us. Science would have to rediscover everything all over again. Some of the 'penny drop' moments (falling off the toilet and inventing the flux capacitor) might not even happen.

(Gervais recently proved himself to be a transphobic arsehole, so I don't have a whole bunch of time for his 'words of wisdom' right now.)

You're actually agreeing with the quote: you saying 'rediscover' vs. quote saying 'figure it all out again'. Except it's not Gervais's quote.

@Rossy92 I can agree with that quote. Not with "if you take all of the books and knowledge away today, Tomorrow science will come back exactly the same but your religion will not".

@NicoleCadmium Well, tomorrow in the figurative sense. Just seems you are trying to find fault with one of his better statements because you want to attack the person for another idea you don't like. What was it he said that's got you so emotional anyway?

@Rossy92 . No, it's still nonsense, unless 'tomorrow' encompasses hundreds or thousands of years. How long before someone does a Newton and figures out gravity? How long before someone does an Einstein and figures out the Theory of Relativity? And what if the world never gets another Newton or Einstein and nobody has these specific 'penny drop' moments?

Are we so arrogant to think that, in our world as it stands, we have discovered everything that there is to discover about the universe? Why couldn't a start from scratch take a different path and result in different knowledge?

I'm not attacking Gervais (even if I think the guy's a dick right now.) Just the quote originally attributed to him, which now doesn't appear to have come from him in the first place.


To set the record straight, Penn Jillette made that wonderful quote. I briefly did a search to see if Gervais said anything similar, and did not find anything. I love them both.

Fair enough. Who for me is irrelevant but the statement is as true as it gets. I only heard it from Gervais so I'm rolling with it. But I will remember that Thanks.

@MartinG Agreed. It's worthy of being repeated by whomever as often as possible.


George Smith's, "The Case Against God", is a good start. Has a lot of information on the philosophy of theism and counter arguments.


Simple and honest. Best.


I find it funny, when some religious fanatic refers to "the atheist's bible". They have no idea how much it reveals their ignorance.

@Beach_slim Someone shoudl ghost write that. If done well, it might be a lot of fun and entertaining if it were a spoof of other religions and rituals.

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