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What is it do you think that makes you resistant to organized religions! Is it the structure? Is it that they leave no room for discussion or opposing points of view? Is it that they are restrictive? Do they seem outdated, and behind the times? Are they at philosophical odds with your choices whether that be a lifestyle choice, gender choice etc.?

Mistral 5 Mar 31

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33 comments (26 - 33)

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I don't buy the woo, regardless of its packaging.


HaHa, I saw throught their BS when I was just a kid.


Because there is zero legitimate evidence that it is true.


Because organized religions are personality driven, much more so than deity controlled. Why is there thousands of Christian sects, why? They are all working out of the same book. Religion is driven by the con men who make up the rules and collect the tolls. From the Popes to Martin Luther, from the TV evangelists to the tent ones, from Shakers to Amish, they are driven by the personalities of their founders and their leaders who follow in their footsteps. This is why I don’t believe in Religion, appart from the fact that the idea of a god defies any logic based in reality. They have less validity than many social clubs.


Because each dogmatic religion thinks their way to heaven and GOD is the only way. So they all want to save each other and make sure the are on the correct path to heaven. They bother me much and I say All paths lead to God a,d excuse myself for an important errand.I can remember before I got away from my family and their Southe Babtist evangelistic upbringing, My mother telling me Catholics and Jews were going to HELL. I remember thinking how does she know? She doesn't. NO one does. She will be 88 soon and is not speaking to me.


My dislike and distrust of churches began from the 1st time I went to church. For years I believed in the religion but not the churches. Long complicated story, but the congregation were arseholes without exception.


I just don't believe in deities and most religions worship one. The main two are Allah andd god.


I don't like being silly.

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