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Unfortunately for me, years ago , I invested a windfall in a tenants-in-common situation. At the time it was a thriving , profitable choice that worked well. Over the years , it has turned into just the opposite.
The group received an email today, talking about how management is handling the issues (this is a shopping center), with the current health crisis.

One of the co-tenants made this revealing comment :

" Send a bill for all losses due to this hysteria to the Democratic Party. They, through their media, have turned a bump in the road into a pothole. Democrats, Socialists, Communists and Anarchists are all in the same family and they all benefit from the hysteria."

We've got more problems than just a virus - huh ?

evergreen 8 Mar 17

Enjoy being online again!

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way more


We do have another problem on top of the virus, and that would be the people I like to call stupid.


Wow.. There are many out there who are okay with being parrots!


Wrong party

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 17, 2020

You're tenant has developed the it's never my fault virus from our president.

this is a co-owner, not a tenant

@evergreen same disease though


Just typical rich Republican response to any of life’s calamities.

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