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TheoryNumber3 8 Mar 19

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If one took all the money that is poured annually into these scammers pockets, and diverted it to schools, public health and similar projects, feeding it back to the contributors themselves, their lives would be vastly improved. Furthermore, their educated children would not be so easily swayed by religious con-men.


The Falcon 9 is a Dassault jet. Why buy from the frogs? He should go for the Gulfstream (Savannah, GA). He's clearly not listening to Jesus! America first, dammit!


The truly asinine thing is they actually have enough followers willing to throw away money that they get their jets, diamond rings and whatever else they want. And all tax free.


What a con artist

Unity Level 8 Mar 19, 2020

Religion, aka stupidity, is perfect for scammers, aka evangelical leaders, aka swindlers. Anyone want to bet he gets the plane?

Trying to imagine a pretty lady's voice saying, "Grrrrrrr!!!"

i've been known to say much worse 😉


Con man

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 19, 2020
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