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Two Choices.

I had two choices to donate to good causes, today. The first was a group that built a school in Ghana. They teach kids and when they are grown, help them get jobs. This time, I didn't need to ask. The gentleman told me, "We teach them the basics and the Gospel." I thnked him kindly for his eplanation and then went into Starbucks to buy my Chai Tea Latte.
Later, I saw a woman collecting money in front of the grocery store. The name of the charity did not explain exactly what they did. So I asked. This group helps battered women.
I asked if they were affiliated with a church.
"No. We're just a non-profit organization that wants to help," she answered.
She's the one who got my donation. I feel for those kids in Ghana. But I'll try to find another way to help them.

MrLizard 8 Mar 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I would have made the same choice.

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