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This article exemplifies what I feel I have seen the Bernie campaign doing this year.

Please remember I supported Bernie last time and this time both Bernie and Biden were at the bottom of my preference list.

Lorajay 9 Mar 21

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Right but you are going to #VoteBlueNoMatterWho right? Because we all know by now that the other side is interested in advancing NOTHING but its own interests and backwards agenda.


My feelings exactly! I worked for Bernie last time and was crushed when he lost the nomination. But I held my nose and voted for Hillary. Sadly, no matter which of these two win, I will vote for them because it is the only chance we have of maintaining our democracy. But I would have much preferred have new blood come in as President, with knowledge of the current world order, modern technology, little baggage and a mind that actually works full time. But like the Republicans who held their nose and voted for the ass less likely to win, the Democrats have to get out the vote and hopefully both of them will pick good Vice Presidents so at least when they go off their rocker we will have gotten a good second string President.


Some person who is unwilling to be identified beyond acknowledging they are “staff” putting their personal spin on the facts. I got my own spin, thanks.

skado Level 9 Mar 21, 2020

I suspect a convention surprise, with Gov Cumo throwing his hat in the ring after folks compare his leadership through coronavirus to Trumps

all I am is #NotTrump

If there any last minute surprises, I bet it will be Hillary stepping in to take over for an incapable Biden.

@RoboGraham lol, and have you not seen hints at that, timed released docs and so on?

Or Hillary as Biden VP.

@RoboGraham if either of the things mentioned here happen I think we will be witnessing the end of the Democratic Party as it now exists. I believe it is already on life support.

@Barnie2years As are most of the old shriveled up white dudes in the GOP.

@skado Are we trying to collect horrid thoughts just so we forget the virus for a minute?
VP, that is a horrid thought.

I think we are going to lose a number of the "ruling class/reps/sens ect", they are ALL in the at risk demo, by age and health, and if the system overwhelms and we lack machines . . .
Politics will rule, but math does not care.

Particularly horrid isn’t it? In the last debate, he was so instantly certain he would be choosing a woman for veep, it made me think he already had made the choice. At first I thought, aha, he’s already made a deal with Warren. And then it slowly dawned on me...

Your second paragraph is why I think Bernie shouldn’t drop out just yet. Insufficient votes isn’t the only thing that could take a candidate out of the race.

@skado I think it is a very strong point for Pete too, youth. Don't think the states are quite ready for a Gay pres yet thought, we still have a lotta bigots here.


I take issue with the article's criticisms of Bernie regarding older black voters and how they don't support him. Once again, this is due to the bullshit of identity politics, which I wish voters would quit being so hung up on, instead of policy. For example, I don't care what race, gender, age, etc. someone is as long as they mostly agree with me on policy and can be trusted to fight for those policies instead of selling out or caving like Obama, for example, did over and over. I also don't care if they are rich, like the Kennedys for example, if they will fight for the masses against the rich. But most Americans care way too much about identity politics instead of voting for people based on their policies, character, and record, all of which matter, because character and record tell you if they can be trusted to do the right thing once they get the power of being president. Without those last two things, you get people like Trump or Obama who lie during the campaign and then screw you once they are elected prez.

As far as the black vote and Bernie, he knew that both last time and this time, he would have big problems with older black voters because four years ago he ran against Bill Clinton's wife and she automatically had their loyalty because of Bill's popularity with older blacks. This time he had to overcome their loyalty to Biden over Obama nostalgia. I think Bernie knew that each time that voting group was mostly a lost cause due to their tendency to vote based on tribalism and identity politics and there was little he could do about it, so instead he focused on younger people, Hispanics, and his issues as the focus on his energy and efforts this time. He did the best he could in our fucked up politics where too many Americans vote on tribalism and identity politics instead of their own best interest and the common good as well. It is what it is. For those that are too focused on ID politics, the good news, if we can last that long, is that AOC checks the boxes on three areas of ID politics. She's young, of color, and female, so maybe she can finally be the one that can win. But rest assured if she runs in six years and is a strong candidate, the DNC will be ready and waiting to screw her over on the nomination the same as they did Bernie these two times.

Also, I think that Bernie, quite correctly, figured that most black leaders, esp. in the South, were going to back Biden based on their relationships with Obama and Biden back then, so why waste his limited time and efforts on them?

" because four years ago he ran against Bill Clinton's wife and she automatically had their loyalty "

seems like BS to me.

First the numbers don't hold or HRC would have had Obamas numbers
Second, thiose older black folks recall "superpredator" and the crime bill quite well, it incarcerated their children.

@Davesnothere I agree with @TimMcGiverin: It’s the younger black voters, the Black Lives Matter youth movement, that called Hillary out on her bigoted Super Predator, mass incarceration bullshit. And she was never going to get Obama numbers with her Centrist platform. Obama ran way farther left than he governed. Hillary in the other hand made no pretense about her disdain for low-wage workers.

@Bobbyzen Define younger.
My son is 30, born at that time
Raised under Clinton, chastised him in required school letter to the POTUS for his behavior over Lewinsky.
As his parent I'm 58
So what are we saying in these generalities?
I suspect that split is not along age, but wealth/income.
" Hillary in the other hand made no pretense about her disdain for low-wage workers."

@Davesnothere I agree wealth is a factor, and class. As well, the BLM movement was formed by young black people in the wake of Trayvon Martin’s murder, to protect young black men, who are the primary target of police shootings. It was these young BLM folks who confronted Hillary in her campaign office demanding she own up to her Super Predator comment and mentality.

@Bobbyzen "It was these young BLM folks"
17-23 Young Adult--Major Support
24-34 Adults---BLM Founder, majority support
34-44 Mature Adults--Lesser support
44-54 Middle Aged-- Still Lesser
64-74 Retirees--little
74+ Elderly--None

Is that more or less accurate of what you mean?
Srry, this is my TBI being a bitch to me.

@Davesnothere support for what/whom?

@Bobbyzen ???
Are you asking me whom I support?

@Davesnothere no lol. I was asking about the poll you posted. It shows “support”. I was asking support for whom.

@Bobbyzen NO you misunderstand me lol
YOU said"It was these young BLM folks"

I'm asking, what do you mean by young?
I created an age graph and included the founder of BLM in her appropriate group

THIS BELOW is a model of what I THINK you meant

17-23 Young Adult--Major Support
24-34 Adults---BLM Founder, majority support
34-44 Mature Adults--Lesser support
44-54 Middle Aged-- Still Lesser
64-74 Retirees--little
74+ Elderly--None

How far off am I?


Well, what can anybody say? You were wrong in 2016 and wrong in 2020 also. Not a very good track record to mention after the fact. This year's primary was not like 2016, where Hillary was chosen not by popular vote but by superdelegates. This year was very different, Biden won with votes not superdelegatea. I am with Bernie's ideas which may be old but are preferred by people, like Medicare for All, living wages, free higher education. But unfortunately he lost fair and square.


me too I wanted someone much younger or female maybe even not white
I loved mayor pete he is young and he is thoughtful intelligent and truthful he will make a great president and after this next pres we will still have lots of work to do to fix what trump broke

@Bobby9 that's not Bernie


With each passing election cycle, I become increasingly dispassionate about and disinterested in the political process and the candidates — whether riding the wave of promised revolution or standing atop a rock of purported strength and stability. There's an ebb and flow to it all, and our would-be captains have dropped anchor while arguing over direction. And no matter who temporarily gains control of the ship, the rest of us still have to swab the deck.

The difference is with republicans you will swab the deck and be undereducated, underpaid and unhealthy. If you prefer that, be my guest to vote for them

@Mofo1953 It's not that there's no difference at all, only that there's an ebb and a flow. Political winds shift, which is why we don't see either major party retain power for more than a couple of cycles at a time, but little truly changes. There are social changes that make some difference in the long run, but that's rarely because of our politicians so much as what social pressure means for them retaining their seat of ostensible power. But there's an ebb and flow to social progress as well, sometimes creating backlash, tempering swift change.

@resserts disagree. Progress is progress, otherwise its deevolution or regression.

@Mofo1953 That's what I meant by "ebb and flow" — progress and regress. I really don't want to get into a discussion of semantics, though.


Interesting, and I peeked. Neither were my original choice, either. I’d liked Warren, until it came down to gender politics. I’d hoped a stronger moderate would have weighed in from the beginning, and suspect Biden would have happily deferred to them. Assuming Sanders had the organization and momentum … it appears they all (yet unnamed) took a couple steps backward.. Unimpressive.

Just watched a bit of a trump campaign ad attacking ‘Socialism,’ on YouTube. Yup, they geared up to take on ‘Bernie,’ too.. The Socialism crap won’t work on Biden, though. But Biden’s decent, and will defer to the far left more than I suspect they realize. But he’s pragmatic, and honest enough not to raise expectations beyond what a president can actually accomplish within a republican wasteland...

Weird thing … and I’m hesitant to say it.. ..but if there were ever ‘a time’ Sanders would have an excellent chance of bringing along the Senate, as well as winning the presidency - it may have been now. He’s a no-shit candidate; no fun - all business. And at the moment, I’d say the nation’s ready for some serious business. He’d have had my vote.

As is, I’m OK with anyone but trump.

Another thought crossed my mind …so while I’m here.. Sander’s put out ‘his plan for dealing with the virus’ after his most recent losses. OK - if he were sincerely concerned with the Democratic voters of this nation - his campaign would have done the math, suspended his campaign, and allowed our poll workers and voters to stay clear of this mess. He didn’t, hasn’t, and will be viewed as a poor, sore, angry loser. Not cool 😟

Varn Level 8 Mar 21, 2020

he is a poor sad angry loser ...I think if biden is smart he will use Bernie and warren in the cabinet
mayor pete or that black woman from the south ....shit I can't remember her name but she is sharp..... I do think biden will fill the empty spots with decent knowledgeable ppl that will be his strength and he has foreign buddies that like and respect him
so much to fix that's why I would have chosen younger

Really liking the term "republican wasteland." The more control they get, the more this country starts to resemble Panem from the Hunger Games.

@whiskywoman Keep in mind, any of those running from the Senate would leave their critical seats open to be taken by a sorry republican. So we shouldn’t be giving away cabinet positions to those we’d need most in the Senate. I’d liked Mayor Pete for VP, though ..not female, no longer qualifies for that, either 😕

@Varn good point I was thinking if Bernie got a bone some of his people would be placated some he is so wrong this time and yet against hillery he was the man every year he runs he gets angrier and he really wants to do good and help us all sad really

@Varn When a state has a democratic governor it's very likely they would appoint another Democrat to any empty senate seat.

@whiskywoman It’s sooooo difficult in the heat of an election year to ..teach others the facts of politics. He’s never had majority support from Democrats, and isn’t even ‘a Democrat.’ And had he ‘pulled a Nader’ against Hillary, running from outside the Democratic party, he’d have been nothing but a forgotten comedic blip. As is, the only way he got any traction was because the fuckin Democratic Party allowed him to! So how dare he, or his rabid followers demean the DNC!

I’d suggested it elsewhere - but why didn’t the ol’ freak run in the Republican Party? If he’s so strong, so righteous.. Confront them directly - and bypass the Dems, please.

Talked with my mother today … pretty sad when both of us somberly admitted ..we don’t like him… “He’s not a likable person,” she said 😟 If his message had the street cred his followers purport - why TF did it take him until four years ago to display it?! Gurrrrr … ya went and got me started..

@Lorajay It’s always a major loss for a state to lose the institutional seniority of a US Senator. Often, neither the party Dems or their opposition ‘approve’ of their governor's replacement pick. And if it’s close enough to an election … who knows? Really, a seated Senator has a better future than a cabinet member in an aged Administration…


I think the sad truth is that we are going to have to wait six more years after things have burned to the ground and start over with AOC, who does look like the core demographics of two Dem core groups-not that I support identity politics, but it seems to matter greatly to most voters- and then try the approach of reaching out to some of the moderates.

I love her and that lady Katie they are wicked smart and passionate and we need more like them

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