Faith in fellow man. The real biological father.
Is this for real!!!??? It has to be a joke!
Funny how even a devout Christian would find this statement absurd, but can't see parallels with Jesus/Mary.
They miss a lot of other parallels too. . .Like Horus, Attis, Mithra, Krishna and other Gods that had virgin moms reaching all the way back to 3000 BCE. Then again, God put those other parallel Gods in place to test our faith. Of course.
The milkman cometh and spread his seed
Blessed be the cheese makers, and all producers of diary products.
brilliant @Rugglesby
I think it is a joke. Ie Mary?
Obviously the milkman is not sterile.
Her husband is a dud eunich?
partly a joke
This is clearly a joke, or husband has limited education? Either way, he sounds like he has a lot yet to learn...'ignorance is bliss'...until real life sets in!
Could even be that he got lucky. The human body is amazingly stubborn about getting itself pregnant.
Immaculate Conception...posted for Easter!
@Freedompath I'm sure he'd like to think so.
Mailman... Dude's own brother...Where to go with this?