Modern Neoliberal Capitalism. Money trumps life and the means of life, Profit trumps people. Corporate interests trump democracy, community and public interest and is the new religion. The economy should service people but this post and one by Glenn Beck shows that the economy and the investment markets rule and our role is to serve them. What do you think of the proposal by the author of the linked article? []
Just received "trumps" coronavirus guide lines card in the mail. From cdc dept. Cdc writ small, TRUMP'S writ large....why my feeling of acid re-gurgestation.
Yes, and the generals should be the first ones to pick up a rifle and march to the front.
The article's proposal, while dripping with class warfare, doesn't actually achieve anything. We actually do have to walk a line between containing the virus and not utterly destroying our economy in the process, which could have just as great an impact on the health of the nation... if not worse. I would like to err on the side of caution, but there will be a balance point. We'll never be certain we're free of COVID-19 until a vaccine is produced, so, 12 to 18 months down the road. We simply can't shut down the economy for a year.
There's an intelligent way to restart the economy. It is not the way Trump suggested. It won't be quick or painless. But outrage at the wealthy doesn't help anyone right now. No kind of outrage is helping right now.
As for Glenn Beck, he's the same guy who claimed that the ACA would have "death panels" to decide if people were worth keeping alive. Now we're faced with the actual, horrible possibility of having to triage who can be saved, and who can't, to see who gets a ventilator- because the party Beck supports put a chimp in the White House, and he underplayed the threat of this virus for weeks when we could have been preparing for it. If you want to be outraged, direct it there.
Beck said Trump's defeat in the 2020 election would be "the end of the country as we know it." It turns out his election was the end of the country as we know it, instead. Beck's faux selflessness is too little and it's much too late.
Who ever suggests going back to work in government before the daily number of new cases has dwindled and testing is no longer being limited "to those exposed to someone with covid" ( a bogus qualifier quite a long time ago in this process) should start by first volunteering in a hospital ward without PPE. Then, give the public one additional month of stay at home after that to determine how the best way to proceed based on the public official's outcome. The nation will be indebted for their self-sacrifice. Additionally, actual work of CDC contact tracing would need to be employed with all needed tools on hand at any sign of reemergence. Prepare for further shelter in place at any sign of community spread.
Do you know what a metaphor is? Many people don't seem to easily understand metaphors at times.
This thing you talk about controlling people as you say, "...shows that the economy and the investment markets rule and our role is to serve them.", has been given the metaphor of "beast" in biblical text. These kinds of things gives an apparence that biblical prophesy written in metaphor, is coming to pass literally.
so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. Revelations 13:17
Beast being a metaphor for body of laws and governing people enforcing those laws.
Establishment of the mark of the beast-666 began with requiring identification for taxation and government control capitalism wage slave labor.
When you use the term, "Modern Neoliberal Capitalism," what precisely is your definition of this economic philosophy?
@ToolGuy Interesting video. Thanks. My conspiracy-theory alarm bells went off a few times, which they do when I see people blogging that the Twin Towers were blown up by the government. Still, one cannot deny the negative effects of concentrated wealth and power, whether or not it is all part of some grand scheme.
Oh okay, I disagree with your comment, admit i dIdn't read the article, and you decide i have confused the two, and then proceed to tell me what neoliberalism is, even though i have told you (already knowing the concept or how could i reject it? -- oh wait, you assume i am ignorant and based in your erroneous assumption, compare me to groups with which i jave nothing in common) that I reject that concept. I do not need to be mansplained to, and your assumptions are as offensive as they are incorrect. Has no one ever mentioned to you that personal attacks are a particularly ineffective debate tactic?
@ToolGuy thank you
I didnt really understand what you said.." money trumps life and the means of life" ??
I think we are seeing some things go in place for the coming New World Order and this virus is sort of a prep for that. We used to even hear Bush Sr. talk of it.
@CommonHuman Don't get me to lying. Google the words and look for it yourself. Evangelicals think it has to do with their book of Revelation. I think it has to do with getting everyone's money.
‘There really is no middle ground, and it’s very tough to say to people, “Hey, keep going to restaurants, go buy new houses, [and] ignore that pile of bodies over in the corner. We want you to keep spending because there’s maybe a politician who thinks GDP growth is all that counts.” ’— Bill Gates
I feel the same as the author of the modest proposal. Let the rich pick their own cotton, so to speak, or else shut the fuck up. That is Bernie's policies boiled down to a nutshell, an economy that serves the people-all of them-not just the billionaires.
Communism! I smell COMMUNISTS!!!
I don't fear communists or communism. I fear neoliberal capitalists who are also fascists, which includes most members of both of our major parties in the US serving in the fed govt.. Otherwise, we would have seen the repeal of the so-called Patriot Act.
@TomMcGiverin I fear fascist of any stripe.
Seems youre only afraid of capitalism. As long as violence is inflicted by people who share your ideology.
Voluntary exchange between peaceful people is the enemy? Sure.
@ToolGuy You would be correct. About to travel out of state. I will check it out and get back with you. Might be a day or two, though.
But your statement is what I disagree with. The power usurped by govt, and the apathy of the people are what have led to fascism.
The socialists on the left are as much or more fascist than the people on the other side of the isle. The govt is too big, powerful, greedy and wasteful.
Typical drivel from an anti-cap. Someone who has never created a job for anyone, running their mouth about people who do.
Falsley claiming theyre putting lives at risk, which isnt even true. People are not forced to go to work. They can start their own company, do equal profit sharing with their employees and try to destroy capitalism from within by socializing their company.
Of course that never happens, because people just talk even when they have no basis. Just like noone asks to pay higher prices so workers make more.
@ToolGuy Clearly you're talking Keynesian economics. I track nonfarm, cpi, inflation, interest rates. So what? You can bring up any indicie or formula you want. If your fundamentals are unsound, you end up with nonsensical articles like these.
You asked for feedback. Why get upset because you don't get the answer you were fishing for? Ad hom is the typical reply when you have no ammunition to retort intelligently.
Thank you for settling that matter.
@ToolGuy Hilarious. The Philips curve is absolutely Keynesian. Not only that but it illustrates the fact that you are ignorant of macro fundamenrals or dishonest. I suspect some of both. There simply is no trade off between inflation and employement. Inflation in todays economy is a function of monetary policy. Evidenced by the fact that inflation as measured by cpi, has not risen above 3% through all levels of unemployment in the last decade.
Looks like you exposed yourself.
@ToolGuy I agree with all you said, other than, interest rates being jacked up. Interest rates were lowered 50 basis just before covid, and I was in the camp predicting another cut by June. Covid is just an excuse. The FED / fomc are also on record stating their objective was to keep inflation "stable" ar 2% (which makes no sense but that is another topic as well). CPI is a poor model, but if you calculate it the way it was pre1983, its still useful.
The book sounds interesting. The title is intruguing. I will look for it and read it if I find it. Thank you for the suggestion. I respect your efforts to inform.
I am not going to read any articles about neoliberalism, a concept i don't even accept, but i would like to mention that glenn becK cannot be an example of neoliberalism since he is neither new nor liberal, and today's democrats, regardless of level of progressiveness, are fighting against corporations trumping humans right this very minute. I think we are in the kind of crisis right now during which we should remember voltaire's warning that the perfect is the enemy of the good. Let's defeat the monster and the plague. We can fine tune later. I say this as a progressive who is annoyed beyond belief thst we are not going to have a president liz.