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Is anyone else using their social distancing time to make changes (hopefully) positive in their life?

Personally I quit smoking, although thats really the first time ive admitted it. Today was day 6, so fingers crossed i stay a quitter.

I also started eating healthier, kind of preplanned it so i would have to. The shopping I did before closing myself in was relatively healthier, so i kind of have no option unless I go out.

Im hoping to quit sodas and start working out. Today is day 2 of working out but im also trying to moderate all my changes because I know doing too much at once makes me more likely to fail. Im just limiting my sodas for now.

Im also studying for two certification exams. Learning to use a drawing tablet and trying to relax throughout each day.

How about yall?

Gypsy31771 6 Mar 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I've cut out alcohol and cigars. Mostly because I was concerned with finances (luxury spending) and my health, since alcohol runs you down a bit, and cigars because I want a super clean respiratory system.
Wasn't sure if I was still going to have a job, but turns out I work at an essential service, so I'm super happy to still have an income.
My job is super physical, and already went from 202 lbs to 178 lbs in the span of 4 months.
I bought some giant parallettes for body weight exercises since gyms are closed (and my membership expired in January).
On my days off, I do personal work (design, video editing/production).
I'm lucky to have a big backyard, so when it's warmer i'll be spending time there, or when the summer shows up, kayaking.
I've been done for a while with going out to bars/clubs, and restaurants, so the self-isolation isn't much of a change from my regular lifestyle.


After relocating, I was lost. No job, no purpose, nothing but time. I’d wander the streets, cemeteries and back roads. Five years later, with more than enough interesting stuff to do, I’ve missed that... Now, I’m reliving it (at a distance) 🙂

Varn Level 8 Mar 28, 2020

I tried to quit smoking. After I broke both thumbs off and started on the pinkies, I thought I better quit that.

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