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100,000 Deaths could occur in the States with Covid-19 according to disease expert Dr. Fauci. Trump may lose some supporters in red states as it spreads.

sassygirl3869 9 Mar 29

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Our stats as at today 30 March.
We have another 17 days lockdown to go.


The right wing groups are pushing their vile propaganda of lies and complete misdirection, suddenly in the last three weeks I am receiving over ten obstructionist republican blogs I never subscribe too!

The obstructionist republican fascist propaganda machine is tuned and reaching far more than one can realize!!!


I would think the red states would have the highest count of dead as they are not doing what needs to be done.

They are generally the less inhabited states or areas within the populated states.


We can only hope so.


Ironically his supporters are the very ones that want to disregard the travel bans, so they will be lost, one way or another ...

This is how evolution happens. Between the virus and their need to shoot each other, many of his voters won’t be around by November.

@Barnie2years explains the longer queues there for guns before lockdown. That was (legally) shocking!

@TimeOutForMe my guess is the domestic murder rate will go up exponentially the longer the lockdown continues..

@Barnie2years we already had a few cases of domestic abuse/violence here in SA on Day3 of lockdown yesterday. There were however hotline number's available during this time and also a service that is available to collect them and house them, NOT at their expense. yes those problems/issues were expected.

@TimeOutForMe and you don’t have the firearm issue we have here in the US I don’t imagine. My neighbors are originally both from South Africa.

No we don't have the firearm issue.
No-one that I know possess one.
I think it's just the police force and criminals mostly that possess such.

@Barnie2years wow which part of SA are your neighbour's from. Have they been there for long?
They're probably citizens now.

@TimeOutForMe they have been out for years. They first moved to England. He was a pilot in the RAF. They have probably been here for at least 40 years (both 80). Not sure which part of South Africa they are from. I think her family were farmers. They still have heavy accents though. 😄

@TimeOutForMe here they have been buying out firearm store stock as fast as they could get it in (kind of like toilet paper) which means a lot of people who should not now have guns. Mix that with confinement and boredom, it will just add to the death toll and overworked emergency rooms in the next few weeks.

@Barnie2years yip we saw your gun queues on our side. It was longer than your toilet tissue queue 🤔🙄. What for though? It's not like lockdown meant hunting!!! Who the heck they going to take out with all those guns and ammo? themselves? their families? the mall again or what? Can't be the school's this time because they're closed too.
Seems like they're digging a hole in their backyard 🙄

@Barnie2years strangely enough my accent is otherwise. When I was in USA they thought I was from Australia and when I was in UK they were wondering about my accent🙅♀️

@TimeOutForMe the assumption is looting and stealing is going to break out and they will have to defend their castle. We are a very paranoid society for never having to have lived through a war on our own soil since the civil war. Or they may have to revolt against an abusive overreach of our government.


If you extrapolate the Who numbers and our current lack of action, it's a lot more than that. More like 1 to 2 million

Seattle metro, where I live, supposedly has the best response in the nation and it's still pretty grim.

@MissKathleen We don't need a breakthrough treatment, this can be managed with tools we have, unfortunately for a large portion of our population rudimentary biology is beyond their ken.


....just heard that now. Phewww that's scary.

This is our figure of infected and deaths as at today in South Africa

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