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Pentru Terra-Horti-Sofia, gândire comună. Un micro.memo(randum) ecosociabil. /Pour Terra-Horti-Sophie, pensée commune. Un micro.mémo(randum) é Terra-Horti-Sophy, common thought. An ecosociable micro.memo(randum)*.

La aniversarea lui Vincent-du-Coeur Van Gogh, 30 martie 1853.

Să amintim, Pacea și Rațiunea sunt
Fundamentele Fericirii bune.
Ca oameni-zei, învățând, îmblânzind,
Cu Orfeu și Epicur în blândețe viețuind,
S-aducem Terrei întâi Pază, nu ”sume”,
Să facem Rai, nu Iad în Lume.
Terra-Horti-Sofia fie gând comun.

Rappelons, Paix et Raison sont
Les fondements de la bonne Raison.
Comme humains-dieux, apprenant, domptant,
Avec Orphée et Epicure en gentillesse vivant,
Apportons à la Terre d’abord Garde, non «montants»,
Faisons Paradis, non Enfer dans le Monde.
Terra-Horti-Sophie soit pensée commune.

Remember, Peace and Reason are
The foundaments of Good Happiness.
As humans-gods, learning, taming,
With Orpheus and Epicurus in meekness living,
Let us bring to Earth first Guard, not “sums”,
Make Paradise, not Hell in the World.
Terra-Horti-Sophy be common thought.

*memorandum=a more ideomaterialist (imaterialist, or not excessively materialist) alternative to manifesto, which in Latin means etymologically caught/indicated by the hand, or revealed.
On []ă .

tipi 7 Mar 30

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Sofia is Greek for wisdom, Terra and Horti are Latin

Languages are not "sisters" many are completely unconnected, there is no similarity for example between Arabic and Japanese, or Romanian and Persian. Even in languages that are superficially connect by common roots mixing words from two or more languages in a single sentence when neither have been commonly accepted in to the parlance of the other is simply pretentious at best.
to address your examples

Agronomy has a purely Greek etymology Agros (land) and Nomos (arranging) and has been accepted in to most European languages as a co-opted word.

There is no such word as presocratism it is a poor translation for the correct word Presocratic originating in some very poor translations of Heidegger.

However Presocratic is in itself a hybrid word, something I shall address as you are I believe talking about portmanteau hybrid words, usually created out of ignorance and a poor understanding of linguistics
For Example
Television from the Greek Tele and the latin Vidi meaning distance and to be seen respectively or
Vexillology – from the Latin vexillum, meaning "flag", and the Greek logia, meaning "study"

Such words that have nonetheless entered the mainstream, usually as brand names or by other popular means.

I believe, therefore my original criticism is valid, as is my correction.

@tipi sure yes if you believe you can have a word mean anything you want it to, without reference to etymology, philology or lexicography.
in which case, get to cordwangling frump grubly you gobbledegook arbuthnot eggwhisk!

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