Will common sense prevail after this crisis is over especially given the climate crisis?
My agnostic response: will it really end
My atheist response: no, I see no evidence to say it will
My religious/spiritual response: of course, we are all gaud's children
My old, passed Southern Mother's response: bless your heart
Actually, and now I feel almost badly, my Mother would never say that. When asked why we hadn't been raised Southern Baptist, she said, "I didn't want to inflict that upon you kids."
Common Sense is a Gift, most people don't get that gift.
@Dyl1983 Since you've already had it then you must have just misplaced it, filed it away in the storage locker or some such, easy to get it back if you want.
I highly doubt it,
I don't know if the photographs of Alan Kurdi, a three-year-old refugee who drowned in the Mediterranean when his family desperately tried to escape Syria in 2015, were as widely published in the US as they were in Europe (you can see one, and read about the case, here: [en.wikipedia.org]. For about a week afterwards, it really looked as though there'd been a big change in how society views refugees, with the majority of people arguing that they should be helped to start new lives in safety. Then everyone forget about it and just went back to being selfish arseholes again and, across too much of the continent, voted for the far right.
This will be no different.
Not as long as 45 and the republicans are in power, and not as long as
corporations are considered "people".
Oh, and as long as the Citizens United SCOTUS decision stands.
Definitely not as long as that is in place.
Common sense has NOTHING to do with what humans generally do.
I'm not optimistic about any return to common sense.
If I had to define common sense I would say that it alludes to the state that all the "chattering classes" [not you of course] have all their senses well switched on and their tongues going in overdrive to console each other.
Common sense is in short supply even under ideal circumstances. Add to that the "leadership" of Zippy the Orange Pinhead and I'd say, Murica at least, is hosed.
Have Canada sens us some of its common sense, will ya?
Zippy the Orange Pinhead
Another corporate bail out is on its way. Fortune 1000 companies can afford to hire an army of lawyers and lobbyists while small business owners and mom & pops are begging for help in navigating the CARES Act and related SBA assistance just to get the ball rolling on payroll support for employees.
The article talked about the Italian "senso comune", a collective understanding or knowledge. It's difficult to measure or define what exactly is common knowledge at any given time.
If I understand the argument correctly, a shift is occuring, if not completely, at least partially, a shift from corporation first, to a paradigm that is more worker first might be occurring. His examples includes the mainstreaming of the policies of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. His counter to that are the bailout policies of Bush and Obama's response to the 2008 Great Recession. A policy of corporate focused bailout. Biden is a proponent of the 2008 policy paradigm.
Along this line another popular "senso comune" among conservatives remains Libertarianism. One of the reasons that Libertarianism will never work is that it depends upon "senso comune" of all people in the market. There must be a collective understanding and agreement of how Libertarianuan economics works. This implies that the individual (company) in the marketplace will follow the rules and not use undo influence to manipulate the market unfairly. They would understand that the marketplace, when not manipulated would monitor itself and commerce would proceed rationally and equitably with competition being the checks and balance. Ayyy, there's the rub.
Human nature as demonstrated by history is not capable of monitoring themselves. They are not capable of following an abstract philosophy without multiple individuals massaging and manipulating the marketplace to their own advantage. They are not capable of comprehending or heeding a "Libertarian senso comune", and protecting their own principles. Because of this inevitability, Libertarianism is not relizable or practical.
A good example is the segment of the nation that appears incapable of comprehending or following the social isolating principles. I would be willing to hypothesize that a good portion of the people out partying on the beach, attending packed church services, etc, if queried would say they were Libertarian, or leaned in that direction. It's the nature of that beast (their misunderstanding of Ayn Rand's selfishness).
Regarding our eventual emergence from this pandemic, it would be nice to think that the "senso commume" shifted in the direction of the working class. But until the bonds of predatory capitalism under which we toil is broken, there is little hope.
Just to mention that common sense [ which includes what we call in the UK "Old Wives tales"] is not the same as science.
The terrible side affect will be the breakdown of civil society - and it already started with the hording of toilet paper... now I cannot find rice anywhere in my community and flour is becoming sparse too. Think of millions unable to afford cigarettes? What will happen when we resort to everyone for themselves? We already see it on Black Friday and people fighting over TVs and play station games... the economic fallout has a potential to last a long time with millions in financial ruin. Way too many of us live paycheck to paycheck with zero savings...
Please contact 'Ecojet' if you are short of toilet paper. They have paperless systems at the ready
Wait a minute , you're concerned about cigarettes ? ? ? ?
Common Sense if often quite inaccurate. By appearance the Earth looks flat, but math shows us differently, and evidence confirmed that.
Nonetheless we have a "Flat Earth" subculture for whom is is easier to use "common Sense" and think in Conspiracies R Us mode
But... In the pictures it looks flat... (Feel free to punch me)
there is some evidence that climate may have something to do with the virus
@Allamanda as to this specific virus I'm not so sure, but I am aware of hundreds of new viruses being discovered in Antarctica and other warming parts of the world, transmission to humans is unknown and most have to mutate to do so, covid 19 mutated to human transmission from bats. There is also evidence yet unclear, that temperatures has affect on both lifespan and subsequent transmission maybe affecting mutation. It is being studied and results are as yet anecdotal. I cannot find the link I read so now I regret posting this, I thought it was in the American Journal of Science but I was wrong. If I find the link I will post, my wifi to the Mac is down.
@Allamanda Found it, it was in Scientific American, E&E News section, March 9. Chelsea Harvey was the author. "What Could Warming Mean for Pathogens like Coronavirus"-sorry I couldn't copy the link, drug it up on another computer.
I think people will want to 'get back to normal', even though normal is way off nowadays.
Please do not undersestimate the time for this to happen. Estimates are from 12 weeks to 24 or 25 weeks depending on how closely you follow the science.