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I am in Perth, Australia. At the Crown Metropole Hotel under isolation for 14 days. Not allowed to get out of the room. Three meals a day is being delivered to our door. Someone knocks on the door and leaves. The room is lovely, big with a large bathroom and lovely view.

Jolanta 9 Mar 31

Enjoy being online again!

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People worldwide like traveling and relaxing during their free time or if they have a work mission. That'sThat's not so easy to choose a nice location with beautiful weather and conditions because many hotels have bad personal or expensive prices. Why am I telling you such stuff? I want to help you in such a case not to get in trouble when you're going to visit a new country. I found some great nearby hotels in Australia that can help satisfy all your needs; I like them because they respect and listen to their client's wishes.


Does it bother you?

Not really but I would rather do the quarantine in my own home, with my own stuff.

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