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So, how is everyone else spending Easter/Passover?

Ah, lazy single holiday. Nope, not even an extra day off from work. And I'm not Christian or Jewish, so not even a holiday. Just a day. Cats, planting my container garden, making food for the next week.

TaraMarshall 7 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm watching the perfect Easter movie, the Life of Brian!


I'm down with laryngitis and just enjoying not doing a thing.

I hope you feel better soon.

@TaraMarshall thank you!


Wonderful day off. We had Pappy over, he is 83 and the only person my Other half has in his family, big fat lunch with the so called grown up kids, who acted like two year olds and stuck parsnips up each other's noses ( they are twins) then ate far too many Easter eggs, now slobbing in front of Netflix, cosying in front of the fire......does it get any better ?

Tilia Level 7 Apr 1, 2018
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