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Its about time for the President's Press Cartoon. I'm not sure whether to cry at their ineptitude, or get mad at their ineptitude. Trump ruins the credibility of everybody on the Covid task force everybtimehe opens his mouth and goes off script.

At least we have Gov. Cuomo telling us the truth in the morning so we know what is really going on. Still its difficult to know whether to cry at how bad it is in NYC, or feel a little relieved that at least someone out their is competent.

Trump as as a caricature of an inept Napoleon;
Navarro working well outside of his wheel house and not up to the job;
Pense a drooling sycophant and ass kisser;
A. Azar a apologist and obfuscation artist., and finally the second biggest incompetent of them all Jared Kushner.

The competant people like Fauci and Dr. Birx and Jerome Adams are hamstrung from doing their jobs effectively and actually telling the American public the facts and truth they want.

t1nick 8 Apr 3

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Nappy on Trump : il son idiot!


I can't watch the news longer than 10 minutes. I tune in at the top of an hour just long enough to make sure aliens haven't invaded to further the clusterfuck!


I don't wish death on him necessarily - but it would be sweet if a carrier coughed on him, and he had to be placed in quarantine for a few weeks. It'd give the country a chance to uniformly regulate it's behaviors without his total ineptitude confusing everyone !

Trump in quarantine... Sweet Jesus... If I was a praying man.....

We’d have to quarantine him from his phone and Twitter account. He can still wreak havoc with that.

@RiverRick I'd just like to see his big fat mouth quarantined.


TDS is rampant on this site.

What is TDS? Thank you in advance.

@Fred_Snerd Ok, thanks, that's what I expected it meant.

Trumplerite Dumb Shits?


On Twitter its trending at #TrumpPressBriefing when it should be called #PresidentNero Press briefing

He should come to an end the same as Nero too! 😉


I try, but I have to turn it off every time.


I've gotten so I won't even watch.


Trump does this repeatedly as a "COVID-19" update but what is really going on is a substitute for his many rallies that he wants to do so badly. This is why Trump and the team contradict each other even in one broadcast update. It's almost hilarious. The problem is that lives are at stake.

This morning on Dave Weinbaum's talk show I heard how it's the Democrats now putting out this false info about Trump and because of it he can't do his job. Surprise! He is not doing a good job. He can't stop lying even in these updates. Then Dave says he thinks this will all peak or blow over in the next 10 days. Surprise again! The virus will not peak in all areas at one time. This is just common sense and it could go on for many months.

The last thing I heard this morning is that they want a "cure" and think we are going to get one. Let me know how that is working. Do we have cures for the common cold, flu, or SARS? No, but we have vaccines for them. If I get a yearly flu shot will it help me or not? This is all 50/50 but I take the gamble because I don't want the flu. There is so much that we do not know but SARS-CO-2 is COVID-19. It does not matter where or how this variant came into being except in the fact of trying to control it. Like the others, it will also mutate.


Three articles (especially #3) that explain both the timeline and the ineptness of the Trump Administration's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Earlier a member asked for facts, well here is a start.





I can't watch. I get it secondhand so I only need to see snippets.

@SeaGreenEyez Same here.


It's past time for the real media [I'm excluding Faux News, we know their point of view (coughTrumpreelectioncommiteecough)] to stop carrying these press events live. For every 10 minutes he talks, it takes 30 to unpack all the disinformation, mistakes, and outright lies. Trump is now rewriting history so he knew it was a pandemic before the rest of the world; which doesn't explain why he didn't do anything until it was too late to prevent it taking hold in the U.S.

(And also, it was all China and Europe's fault, in other words, anyone's but his.)

It would be easy enough to release stories summarizing his briefings and also correcting them at the same time, so the public has context and he doesn't get a free campaign event nightly on national TV.


A few ad hominems, nothing of substance. The post says more about the mindset of the writer than it does about the President or his team. Just more TDS.

It's like FOX News, all opinion no facts. At least I admit it's an opinion editorial and not trying to pass it off as real news.

"Nothing of substance" actually sums up Trump's leadership during this pandemic to a T. History will say he hindered our response out of concern with his reelection prospects and cost thousands of lives that could have been saved if only we had had a cooordinated response earlier. Or indeed, any response. (Hopefully history will not record that it was millions of lives, but the jury's out.)


If the impeachment didn't go through, I think in the next election Trump will get out. Same with Bolsonaro in Brazil. I already heard by a NY citizen that things are pretty bad there. Boris Johnson in the UK it's said he's infected. As usual, it's mainly the small fish that suffers the most. I hope the competent people will take the lead to see if things start going the right way.

"Will be voted out" you mean? Hopefully, but his followers are still very passionate and they believe he's doing just a wonderful job. They have cognitive dissonance to the point they can't remember that he minimized the whole thing only a month ago; they believe him when he says "I thought it was a pandemic before they called it a pandemic."

@Paul4747, yes. Hopefully people will open their eyes about him and how inept he is. That's us who can see this, but after the way George Bush Jr. was put in power, I better expect the worse scenario, that will be him being re-elected. I sure hope he is voted out.

@Paddypereira If he is re- elected you can kiss this country as we know it, - goodbye.

@Paddypereira "W" was reelected because they managed to scare people about terrorists and convinced a slim majority that his party was the only one that could protect them against Iraqis and Al Qaeda blowing their children up with stolen bioweaponized Iranian nukes from North Korea (or something).
It's pretty damn clear that not only can't the Trump administration protect us from the pandemic, they made us uniquely vulnerable to it by ignoring its threat while other nations mobilized their health care systems. Not only did they not get our system ready, they effectively pulled its pants down around its ankles and told it to bend over.

@starwatcher-al, let's hope not. I shiver at the thought of Trump being re-elected.

@Paul4747, although I agree mainly with what you said, the healthcare here in Europe is struggling quite a bit too. Trump, like Johnson in the UK, didn't realise what was going on and the result is what we can see. Hopefully Trump will be voted out. In the meantime, we better deal with this the best we can.

@Paul4747 The suspected problem is that Trump will use COVID-19 in order to cancel the 2020 election. Some say he cannot do it, but this would be a real problem.

@DenoPenno We have had Presidential elections during a civil war. This is not an emergency that rates cancelling an election. Trying it would be tantamount to attempting to assume dictatorial powers and lead to his immediate impeachment, and likely his conviction this time.

It would be almost impossible to even postpone it, as a matter of law.


@Paul4747, even if this pandemic, which is a public health issue, if the election was now, they wouldn't be, in the least, postponed? Don't get me wrong and I'm sorry if I'm being ignorant, but it would make sense to me to have the election postponed, but it's my opinion.

@Paddypereira You're not being ignorant at all, no apology needed.

I'm going to quote liberally from the Snopes article here, since they did the research already.

"The Presidential Election Day Act, passed by Congress in 1845, mandates that “the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed in each State on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November of the year in which they are to be appointed.” The sitting president has no ability on his own to alter that date — he cannot issue an executive order or otherwise act unilaterally to change the deadline.

All of the individual states could conceivably change the method by which they choose their electors to something other than popular vote, but that option would require, for the most part, that the state legislatures and governors in all 50 states approve new methods for selecting electors by Nov. 3. But such a course of action would likely be quite difficult to accomplish in time and prove extremely unpopular with voters.

Another option for states to be able to choose their electors via elections held later than Nov. 3 would be for both houses of the U.S. Congress to pass, and the president to sign, a law superseding or modifying the Presidential Election Day Act to establish a new date. But given the current highly polarized state of U.S. politics, the chances that such a feat could be accomplished in sufficiently timely fashion — if at all — are also extremely unlikely.

And even if the U.S. legislative and executive branches could sufficiently cooperate to buy some additional time by delaying the next election, they wouldn’t have much leeway. The 20th amendment to the U.S. constitution states that the current president’s four-year term ends at noon on Jan. 20. So the election couldn’t be put off by much more than two months without incurring the risk of leaving the U.S. without a president or vice president come Jan. 20, and leaving Congress the chaotic task of having the Speaker of the House temporarily govern while figuring out how to rectify the absence of a duly-elected chief executive. (Altering that Jan. 20 deadline would require amending the U.S. Constitution in a matter of months, a virtually impossible feat.)

Mail-in balloting, which is used almost exclusively in several states such as Washington and Colorado, would give voters a chance to vote without having to show up at the polls. It would ensure that fewer people would be disenfranchised. And importantly it would provide a good argument against an attempt to try to postpone voting in November (or worse yet having state legislatures appoint presidential electors themselves without a vote of the people) …

Congress has the power to pass such a law. The elections clause in Article I, Section 4 of the Constitution gives Congress broad powers to overrule the states on the “time, place, and manner” of holding congressional elections. It is this same broad power that gives Congress the ability to require states to follow certain streamlined procedures in registering voters, and to offer voter registration ability at government offices like the Department of Motor Vehicles. So long as Congress pays for all the costs, there should be no constitutional issue with requiring states to offer this means of voting. And paying for these costs is key, because even in states allowing for vote by mail, there could be millions more ballots cast by this method than are usually cast in this way, ramping up costs significantly.

As then-national security adviser Condoleezza Rice said back in 2004, when the possibility was being considered of having to delay a federal election should another major terrorist attack occur in the U.S., “We’ve had elections in this country when we were at war, even when we were in [a] civil war. And we should have the elections on time.”

Turns out I quoted almost the whole article, but it's a worthwhile article.

@Paul4747 Legally you are correct, as a matter of law. But since when has the repuklicins ever went after trump for anything illegal? He has broken 100's of laws from the first day in office and there is no accounting buy the senate, pure obstructionist group of thugs only in it for the money and power. We need a coup by the military, and yes I know what I;m saying here.

@starwatcher-al I have to believe there is a point where they'll recognize an outright violation of the law. As long as they could shade it as open to interpretation, they did, but this is not open to interpretation.

@starwatcher-al You do realize the military is largely Republicans? If anything the ranks were thinking of a coup against Obama...

@Paul4747 Yes, I do realize that. But i'm hoping for a group of leaders who understand what is happening and the rank and file's indoctrination to follow them. A wild shot for sure.

@Paul4747, thanks for explaining. In terms of the law, makes sense the election to carry on. I don't know when the election is scheduled in the USA, but, if it's in a date while this pandemic and quarantine is still going, in practical terms, I think it should be postponed for the sake of public health. In Belgium they had a period that they didn't have a government and the country still kept running. Well, hopefully things will start to turn for the best soon, for everybody's sake.


I really feel for you guys at the’s the very worst time to have an imbecile as President. He is a complete liability and I fear that the numbers dying in your country are going to climb way higher than any other country...per capita. As for the lunatic preachers in the Red states...there needs to be a federal law passed that makes it illegal for them to continue with their services, and it needs to be enforced. Trump is out of his depth because he has at last found an adversary in Covid19 that he cannot, bully, fire or dismiss as fake news!


IMO daily briefings should be done by the governors of the states because each state is different with different challenges. Perhaps one national briefing a week, with direct communications with the governors daily.

We still need a Central leader to give guidance and information to the entire nation. Consistency needed to get through. The only consistency we've seen is consistent incompetence from our Federal leaders.

Red states are bulking at following emergency medical protocols. They are prolonging the duration of the pandemic and increasing the mortality rate higher than it needs to be. There needs to be a national set of guide lines. The virus does not need or respect political boundaries or political parties. All the most optimistic projections are based on everybody following the emergency protocols. Therefore, we are likely to see death and infection rates approaching the more dire worst case scenarios.

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