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What is a Troll? Have you ever behaved like a troll yourself? Have you blocked someone for something other than being a troll and if so, what did they do? How many people have you blocked?

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racocn8 9 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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On this site if you have an opinion different from someone else and they have no argument against you they will call you a troll

lerlo Level 8 June 28, 2020

Cut my teeth on trolls 🙂 Living rural, with a low speed internet connection, a local - yet sophisticated news group is where this Atheist Moderate ran the gauntlet.. Likely why I’m addicted to this place, we outnumber them!

They’re single-issue: Have no social conscience. Low self esteem. Little to show for life. Narrow if any education. Underlying anger. Envious, Vindictive, Humorless. And perhaps, paid…

I’ve blocked one poster, due to excessive ‘link posts,’ and was blocked by another (which let me know how nice it was not to wade through their shit) ..for having complained about his identical behavior. Otherwise, I take it as it comes. Like ol’ times 😉

Varn Level 8 Apr 7, 2020

A troll is a mythical nature spirit, often compounded with giants, commonly found in pre-christian Scandinavia. They are often depicted as very hairy and with comically ugly faces. Judging by appearances therefore there are quite a few of them on this site.


To me, a troll is someone who intentionally provokes others for its own sake, taking positions and making arguments that they might or might not agree with, attempting primarily to elicit an emotional response from others.

The only time I trolled anyone was in regard to a response someone had to a question about how they would react if they went home with a woman only to learn that the woman was an in-tact transsexual. They said they would beat the transsexual severely, and I responded that violence is the response of someone who lacks the confidence and security in their own sexuality to accept the situation and calmly walk away from it. The more that guy kept defending his position, the more I insinuated that he had latent homosexual tendencies and was secretly gay and unable to come to terms with it in a healthy, nonviolent way.

I've never blocked anyone for any reason. If I we're being continually harassed or threatened I might consider blocking the perpetrator, but for the most part I think of blocking as quite passive aggressive and don't want to be someone who can't handle other people's views and resort to hiding from ideas I don't like.

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