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I'm hiding here from a plethora of church crap on TV. On.the news are floating crosses coming at me, ads, shots of empty churches, car dealers hoping god is with you and keeping you safe, it's freaking everywhere!!
I'm isolating myself from the virus and any reading is for enjoyment before falling asleep so it's a valium to me. Being online has some benefits but gets boring sitting in the hard chair for long and I don't want to watch movies on my computer and can't figure out how to get Amazon prime on my TV even tho I have a logo for it on my DVD. So I'll just move around on here until something worth watching is on TV. Thanks for your patience and time shared.

K9Kohle789 8 Apr 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Buy an Amazon Firestick if you can afford it because it's the easiest way to do Amazon on the TV. Either that or an HDMI cable to connect your computer and TV. It will usually send the sound there too.

@K9Kohle789 it doesn't use your computer, you just plug it into the TV and it plays Amazon content over WiFi.


Hint, get a soft chair by the computer, it does not have to be a work station.

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