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Aftermath of attempting to use logic in debate with "True Believers":

bigpawbullets 9 Apr 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Except Bill is far too smart to be a smoker...

I hope so.
How are ya doing with this Covid-19 insanity?

@bigpawbullets Thanks for asking.

My typical day is rather stark...I try to get out and bike-ride a bit every day. The Golfing is decent (par 3, 9 holes....gotta walk) as is the tennis ( no partners...but the ball machine gives me a good workout) I miss doing laps in the pool..which has been closed lately. I'm on the computer; here, on FB, or on WWF...for hours at a time.

How about you?

I'm exhausted just reading your list!
I'm keeping busy in the yard & gardens. I do a 3+ mile hike daily. Numerous "putterment" projects in the shop... getting a bit stir crazy as our Governor has stated "stay at home" unless essential travel is required. We are planning a cul-de-sac party to celebrate the eventual lifting of quarantine.

@bigpawbullets I'm going to "hit the road" on Tuesday....just to go see the grandson for his 4th birthday. It should he stops along the way...and they've had few "contacts" so I doubt I'll "catch" anything from them....they're germiphobes to begin with...this must be making my son and his wife nuts!!


I hear the theme song from the movie The Good, Bad, and Ugly playing in the background.

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