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Far too many have abandon intelligence
for false hope!!!!!!! Anybody agree?

RobertOsterJr 3 Apr 9

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Blessed is the pessimist for he shall never be disappointed


There is every reason for hope. Hope and intelligence are not mutually exclusive.

Hope and false hope are very different things.
One is based on a genuine probability or even a possibility , the other is based on a deliberate lie.

@Fred_Snerd I never do until I have fully assessed the available evidence

@Fred_Snerd When one becomes a parent one had better hope. Hope for one's own improvement as a parent. Hope for the good health of your child. Hope for building a meaningful and loving relationship. Hope for strengthening the bonds between one's life partner, through the parenting process. Hope for the child's happiness, and for the future, and to live to see and enjoy your grandchildren. Without hope I would be a nihilist.

@Fred_Snerd I don't look for meaning, I attribute my own meaning. At the risk of inappropriate humor, I truly hope that your nihilism doesn't lead you to despair. Peace.

@Fred_Snerd Replace the word 'meaning' with 'significance,' and tell me if that makes a difference.

"I am not wasting my time with ego and am fulfilling life long goals." Brilliant! A personal philosophy in a nutshell. Kudos!


Me🖐. I’ve found intelligence over-rated and marginalising.. When you see nonsense all around and no opportunity to eradicate it, it seems like a solitary confinement..

In the words of Ashley Brilliant “I’ve given up my search for Truth and now looking for a good fantasy”

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