The common cold, a Corona virus, is "successful", in Darwinian terms, because it allows its host to kill it, but only after having had enough time to be replicated and transmitted.
Let's hope Covid-19 does not become "successful" by killing off humans that are weak or excessively susceptible to it, but leaving a large enough pool in which to propogate.
This is what the common cold did, I reckon. For anecdotal proof, think of what happened in South America when the Spanish arrived. Thousands died from it, because they had no immunity at all to it.
Wouldn't it be nice if our efforts to eradicate or greatly reduce Covid-19 with social distancing also greatly reduces common cold and flu viruses at the same time. If nothing else, our new habits of refraining from shaking hands, touching our faces, and increased handwashing might have some positive effect on the health and happiness of the population as a whole, on the other side of this.