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Happy Easter Fools!

The perfect combo holiday. Did anyone do anything special to celebrate/uncelebrate?

Tecolote 7 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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With a half inch of ice and sleet I didn't do much of anything but stay inside and warm.


I watched Life of Brian.


We replanted some larger plants and I grilled some meat. Regular weekend stuff.

Didn't get that energetic but planted half a dozen seedlings bought from my organic farmer at Saturday's market - 2x heritage broccoli and 4x tat soi in planter tubs in the front garden. Had a lovely long phone conversation with a Texan and in messaging was introduced to a great mediaeval music performer, not previously encountered, by a new member to Oh and watched "The Jersey Boys" for the second time as well as 3x van Damme movies.

@FrayedBear you had a busy day...

@BucketlistBob Weekend. If I'd done it in half a day, I would have said yes busy.

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