If you had to list the three biggest issues you think the world faces in order of seriousness, what are they?
Tribalism over multiculturalism -- this gave us he who shall not be named - this will be the start of the next civil war -- or even WW III -- See Syria and the whole middle east.
Short sightedness -- do a little today to prevent a major crisis tomorrow ... ie, global warming -- Play the long game - not the cheap win.
disrespect of education and facts -- Facts trump your opinion - statistically valid numbers trump your singular experience(which may be true, but not statiscally significant)
I class religion in the tribalism problem - as is racism, sexism etc.
Playing the long game -- I haven't seen the USA do this successfully in my 70 year life!! but China seems to excel at it -- not a good outlook for the USA in the long run.
Disrespect of facts -- Fox news anyone? -- playing to the emotions of rubes is easier than critical thinking based on data and facts.