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Is there a meaning to life and if there is, does it even matter? Most people seem to go through life in a fog of routine, others will spend their lives navel gazing trying to come up with a reason for it all. Isn't the act of living its own reason?

Surfpirate 9 Apr 15

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The meaning of life can be found in most dictionaries. Here is one example: life. the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. (Google search define life)

Word Level 8 Apr 16, 2020

Now it’s about Energy & vibrations. N Tesla was right...

Tesla was right about a lot of things, not too sure about his position on pigeons though. 😉

@Surfpirate What about the pigeons?

@Fleury From a social intimacy standpoint, Tesla was closest to his pigeons.


If by life, you mean the procession of living organisms, then there is little or no meaning or purpose in any one individual IMO.

The whole process might have no “meaning” in the sense of being understood, but conscious awareness is pretty much of infinite value, inducing deep appreciation, awe and reverence. We can not understand ultimate reality through our human way of knowing—honest and courageous people express abject bewilderment rather than posturing around some belief.


It misses out Aristotle. Everything is to be studied and enjoyed. Big gap that.


The classic answer to that is. You have to create your own meaning. Which does not help much.

But if you take. 'Promoting the greatest good and happiness for yourself and the greatest number you can.' Then you have to say that that is the highest good perhaps, but is it meaning? No perhaps not, but the alternative is, don't promote the the greatest good and happiness for your self and the greatest number you can. And why would you choose that over the first ? Therefore since that gives purpose, purpose gives meaning.


No. Living itself isn't good enough.
Is it for you?
Maybe some atheists feel that way. Or maybe they're just kidding themselves.
I've never gazed at my navel, btw.

What outside of living is it that you are doing that is so unique and special that it gives you meaning?

@Surfpirate You'd have to explain your question, I'm afraid. How can I do ANYTHING outside of living?!? As a PART of living obvious questions arise as to the 'meaning of life,' don't they? It's a part of living for some people, including me. Nothing mysterious about it.
If in the process of asking these questions certain potential, tentative 'answers' occur to one, and that person finds others who have thought the same, associations may form; not because it's 'necessary,' but because it just happens.
Like this site.
As an agnostic, I'm always reading interesting things about the nature of consciousness, physics, the natural world, pre-Ice Age civilizations, an almost infinite number of things--not because I HAVE to, but because I'm curious. Simple as that.
Maybe you're confusing atheists and agnostics. I almost envy the former's absolute certainty about a number of basic things. I just can't do that.

@Storm1752 Sounds to me like living at a more intense level than the average joe but still just living. I hope you find what you are looking for. 👍

@Surfpirate Being an agnostic, I realize age-old 'mysteries' are such because they are unknown given the current state of our knowledge, and perhaps unknowable.
But that's what makes them interesting.


A meaning to life. Let me see. The male got the female pregnant and the one who is born must make their own meaning to life. Along the way males just keep on making females pregnant and the females allow this because deep down they know they can change that male if they try.


Everything is "actual entities." "God is an acutal entity, and so is the most trivial puff of existence in far-off empty space." --Alfred North Whitehead

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