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Let's discuss censorship.

Earlier today I made a post that someone at the Admin level appears to have deleted within minutes of its posting. I nicely asked for an explanation on the community senate board several hours ago but none has been offered. No post of mine has ever been deleted by anyone but myself but with no explanation for it having been a site glitch I have to assume it was deleted intentionally.

So let's take it to the people for discussion.

Now I saw nothing wrong with the post. It was a satire on population control that was written as an attempt at being intentionally controversial. That was one of the suggestions made when I asked for ideas on how to create a successful post -- be controversial. It explored a ridiculous idea to manage human overpopulation. It was written in a semi-serious tone to give it some credibility but it was satire and not meant to be taken seriously. I thought that was still obvious.

Clearly I was successful at being controversial or it wouldn't have been deleted. Controversy tends to inflame people's emotions. If it doesn't, it's probably not going to be especially controversial. My post was controversy wrapped in satire. Another thing, if a post sucks people will ignore it. If they hate it, they'll say so. Point being, a post should be allowed to rise or fall on its merits rather than the random stroke of a censor's hand.

How do you all feel about Admin deciding for you if a post is acceptable or not? Wouldn't you rather decide for yourself or do you require a safe space?

Assuming this post won't be deleted just for asking.

Sgt_Spanky 8 Apr 18

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38 comments (26 - 38)

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I saw this on my second day here. Any member reports your post and its automatically deleted, even without a moderator checking it, because they're not that fast. A couple of members also PM'ed me to continue their point asthey were blocked by the OP. So I created a group for free debate. The only rule is to have a point/stay on point. Other than that, you're fine.

All are welcome.

No Holds Barred


Assuming that the admin was right about the part of deleting the post because it was supposedly promoting /wishing death to others(which I agree with the admin on deleting it) , still it is not right to put the post back saying: "I've put the post back up, hope you are satisfied with the result. If one more member flags it, it would be removed."!!! So you didn't remove it out of a principal but you are waiting for '1 (hating) flag' te remove it(again)? I understand that 'freedom' is relatively taken but in my opinion you need to either have some rules and enforce them too no matter what or just to don't have any rules at all. On both choices you'll find out if this site will stand its grounds!


God damn. This is a privately owned site. You are not entitled to anything. If you don’t like it go elsewhere.


No, its a non-profit that claims to promote debate. So NO, not if you don't want to live in a bubble and keep the Nonbeliever community from being marginalized in society. This site is a DANGER to the community if it does not allow free speech and therefore should be trolled out of existence.


There is NO free speech here. There is only ALLOWED speech as determined by the owner's terms-of-service, as it should be.

Your experience is very like what happens at youtube. An idiot does not like a video, they complain, the video is demonitized, or deleted, and NO REASONS are given. This is actually against the law that pertains to YT, Twittee, FB, were originally allowed to operate.

A bunch of moderators here seek such power without responsibility.

I think the Terms of service should require admins to explain exactly what was a violation of which rules.
The person who creates and the moderates a group has control over what can be posted in that group, as long as such rules do not violate the website’s terms of service.

Unfortunately, way too many groups are run by regressive-left SJWs who are so very woke about how feelings are more important that truth and facts.

I was banned by one of the leftee groups a couple of weeks ago because I posted some facts about the number of killings during the previous month by the adherents of The Religion of Pieces, and how they spread darkness where ever they invade. The lefters here do not like hearing about how evil islam is.

What is think is WRROOOOONNNNGGG is a post being deleted from a group that does not violate the site’s TOS, and is ALSO deleted from the top level forums.

When I post, I do it to a group and also to one of the top forum categories. If it is deleted in a group, it should not be deleted from the top level general groups. Only the owner/admin should have that power.

So, keep on posting, and always post to two groups when possible.

Amazing! You can shred Christianity. Call out priests for being a bunch of pedophiles. You can chastise Hasidic Jews for being antivaxers and not practicing social distancing. Don't dare criticize Muslims lest you be labeled Islamaphobic. It's actually fear that drives them, they're the ones that are Islamaphobic. They are afraid of being victims of Islamist violence. They don't love these people, they capitulate to them out of fear knowing what they are capable of.


That difficult fine line between controversy and a shit show, somebody has to draw that line or it becomes a shit show because things always evolve in that direction. Hats off to the admins for doing the altogether thankless job of separating the wheat from the chaff. I have wound up in the chaff pile on many occasions myself when I went from controversy to shit show, I'm still standing. 😀


A waste of time


Population SHOULD be controlled!
Against censorship.


Oh my god. You’ve had your say. Over and over again below. Let it go and find something truly important to take as your cause. Sheesh.

If you don't like this thread there's any number of buttons above to take you out of it.

@Sgt_Spanky I have a right to read and respond to any post I care to. If you don’t like it, there are any number of buttons you can press. 😂

@Apunzelle "I have a right to read and respond to any post I care to

What do you think I'm doing?

@motrubl4u Understood. Thanks for the head's up.

Aww, the big boy cry babies don’t like having a woman disagree with them and resort to name calling. 😂


FB and Goggle admins run all over this site!

They are trolls of the right wingers!

Post it again!

See my response to the post below this one.


Censorship of any kind is always despicable. The site has some rules that hopefully you've read and agreed to abide by them. Unfortunately and additionally each group has its own standards and rules, by joining you accept these, so not much you can do. You have freedom of choice to join any group you want but read their rules first. Once you join, you're bound to their rules.


I'm not advocating really harsh or abusive attack(s).

I have been blocked by what could be described as folks not responding to (what I think) are legitimate issues. One blocker, having responded last, accused me of trying to 'get the last word', then blocking me so I could not respond, then UN blocked me the next day. wth ?


i think that depends on whether a post is offensive in a broad sense of the word. Making plainly racist remarks, for example, shouldn’t be allowed.

That wasn't it either.

@Sgt_Spanky it was an opinion as to what shouldn’t be allowed.


Did you try to say that a plague or pandemic could be helpful to control overpopulation? If you did that could be an offensive comment. It offends me. You have a right to say it but if the admin feels it goes against community standards, post something else.

That wasn't it. It was something else entirely.

@Sgt_Spanky Get over it either way. So you posted this. Apparently the admin is cool with it.

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