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The World's Newest Major Religion: No Religion


Gatovicolo 8 Apr 19

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The piece is pre-Trump election in 2016 and makes a statement about Trump not being outwardly religious.

The indicators are that religious group birth rates are higher than not religion groups and there will be a dominance of religious thinking (Christian/Islam) for the C21st.

I have a reference that I will up to place when I find it.


"Prominent atheists Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins have awful reputations for misogyny, as does the late Christopher Hitchens. Bill Maher, the comedian and outspoken atheist, is no (nonexistent) angel, either." GABE BULLARD
WOW, four guys are in your opinion a bit ...spurious so ATHEISM MUST BE WRONG, because it is not woke enough.
Yet the Christian church wholesale slaughters people, institutionally oppresses and kills women and conquers whole nations for thousands of years and that GETS A PASS.

It’s just a news story. It’s not religious propaganda.

@Gatovicolo I dislike inaccurate sweeping generalisations, especially when claiming to be news.

@LenHazell53 It’s hardly inaccurate. It’s also the National Geographic. I don’t think that constitutes fake news.

I think Bullard, in essence, is a jobbing reporting, not a deep sociological thinker. His coverage to me has always been quite superficial.

I am sure for NG he is a not too expensive journal filler!

@Geoffrey51 He is hardly a reporter at all he is a radio presenter and editor on WAMU Radio

@LenHazell53 Even worse!

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