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Sick to death about ALL religions, but especially Islam, they are are attempting to turn the Western world into an Islamic State and demand we ALL turn to Islam and worship an invisible man, I am a Pagan and proud of it, my beliefs are MINE alone and spiritual

DocDee 4 Nov 23

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I see little difference between Islam and Christianity.


arrest g. bush senior and d. chaney and u'll have the culprits


Islam literally means 'peace'. It's people who corrupt religions to their own ends, rather than religions being innately corrupt. Those who subvert the Christian message have as much to answer as anyone: "But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation." Luke 6:24


Urban legend! Right out of the right wing nut job managed perception. I'm closely flirting with becoming quite rude to go any further with this comment. So the only thing I can say more to this is, educate yourself by separating yourself from where you get this type of false perception.


That’s ridiculous.


I respectfully disagree but I understand and empathize with your islamophobia.

SamL Level 7 Nov 23, 2017
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