Profits kill caring is priceless
Stay safe
It is true ... but does loss of economy not also lead to loss of lives?
It does as our system is set up now, with no regard for the average working American or poor or marginalized. or elderly or disabled. If the banks and big companies would not have gotten trillions. And every day Americans got it the banks would t need it. But they give them more money, no oversight, well except potus.But they. worry people won't want to work if they get an extra 600 in unemployment. Or if economy tanks, and high unemployment no insurance because health care for all is socialist. They have no problem giving out corporate welfare to banks, or Amazon, etc. small businesses got little and had all kinds of hoops to jump through and requirements to have loans forgiven in future.
Ok ranted enough...the quote was addressing the grieving loss of economy more that loss of lives. This is exemplified by those states and potus, VP, et al insisting on opening businesses with no safe guards on lives. caring about lives is having all money go to small businesses and the American woorkers
So for me, my knee jerk reaction to this is the same is if I say Black Lives Matter, my co worker says White Lives matter. I do not think my knee jerk reaction is true of you at all.I recognize it as my own thoughts. So please don't think I don't treasure your view, I just don't see it having much to do with the quote. when a society thinks more about it's people the society flourishes, and the people are who create the wealth. The worker bees create the honey. If you don't treasure everyone and only care about a few, and how much money you can get through investments and political donors, and companies care more about stock holders that workers and children and the sick. the society is sick. In my opinion.
Absolutely true.. But it's not society in this case, it's trump...
It is society too. Our elected officials are our results. He wasnt who started it. It has been like all societies crumble. Little by little. And complacense, distractions division, fear mongering, making some ones or something the thing to be against is fertile ground for society to.crumble.