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What do you wish others knew or understood about you that you think they do not?

Seeker3CO 8 Apr 26

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As I enter my dotage I'm finally getting over the need to be "heard" or "understood", whatever exactly that means. In my observation, feeling misunderstood is mostly about wanting people to see your intentions without you having to do the work of figuring out what they need from you to feel loved or heard or appreciated and providing it to them. We want them to be thrilled with us all the time with zero effort on our part. (Of course this means sometimes people want unreasonable things and you have to let the relationship go, but that's a separate issue).

The tricky bit is that early in a relationship they ARE thrilled with you 24/7 with no effort on your part. Then they start to notice you suck as much as everyone else. Hilarity ensues.


Nothing, if they want to know badly enough they’ll ask. If I want them to know something I’ll tell them. If neither of those are the case; we’re where we should be 😊


And thats exactly why i have no friends. Seriously though, why would i want to be friends with someone who didnt know or understand me? Seems kinda contradictory, unless youre talking about work-friends or neighbor-friends or family-friends


My women friends seem to understand that I enjoy witty respectful banter and interesting conversations sharing ideas not previously considered, with a focus on being happy, healthy and safe, regardless of what I look like during our time together.

My men friends seem to only understand the physical side of me, creating the feeling I'm only half a person, valued only for the physical presentation of me.

Asked what they like about me, the answer from men is always something about a physical attribute. Women tell me they appreciate my emotional support and encouragement, and various other ways they feel my friendship nurtures their sense of well being.

Seems to be a difference in what I'm valued for between the genders. I'd rather be valued for my insides, than my outsides. The mind grows more beautiful as the body matters less. Those who value only outer beauty will be disappointed over time, while those who value inner beauty will continue to be pleasantly surprised each day.

Yes, I don’t tend to hang out with men like that. I once stopping seeing someone I though was a potential friend/ partner as the third time they we saw each other, they came over for a cuppa and chat and started commenting on my glasses vs contact lenses, no consideration for my comfort in my own home, just what looked good in their opinion.
I made some comments of my own about how they seemed to be complaining about how much money they had, (obviously they had been trying to impress me, but that’s not my measure of a man), and funnily enough no more catch ups were had! Lols.

At the risk of me being rude, "you need to change your men friends".

I am on emotionally intimate terms with three women (plus my own wife), and I rejoice in being in their company. Their physical side, with the exception of their health, does not concern me. Ping @girlwithsmiles


l have no idea.


I have resting bitch face, so no, you don't have to keep asking me what's wrong.

I think I do too, and as I don’t rest much people do get affronted 😂

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