Hi, I am new here and writing this post to say hello to the community. My journey to this platform is built on my deep suspicion of organized religion. All organized religions are closed off i.e. all that is worth knowing is explained by the religion and everything else is worthless or even meaningless. To some, it is a great comfort that all important questions are answered by their religion or the interpreters thereof. To others, like us, we find that boundary inconsistent with our desire for freedom and also with what we perceive to be unanswered questions. So I end up here. But I am ready to cut religion some slack since it is an old concept and has helped some people. Here's my wager to religion:. if religion can answer one of my questions without using circular logic or without arrogating to itself infallibility, then I will happily give it another shot. Do you guys think that it is a fair wager?
I think it’s fair enough but, it’s a wasted wager. Hasn’t philosophy been trying for as long as humans could write? The track record is pretty shit my friend.
Welcome To the site.
You would easily win a bet against such muddled thinkers. And where is the fun in that? Move on my friend, and you will find things that are much more entertaining than taunting the inflicted.
Fair, sure, but what's the point? It's not realistically possible. Also, I'd have difficulty settling for an answer to one question. I want them ALL answered, citing high level evidence. Not even science is there, yet, and I am quite sure religion never will be. Welcome to the community. I am sure you will find no shortage of engaged discussion on this topic.
N O ! Why play fair with rapists theocrats and genocidal institutions that sexually tortures & amputates genital flesh ????? Welcome where Atheism should tell the truth religion harms NEVER helps as all alleged gawds are worthless symbolizing EVIL and alleged miracles that never happen
Welcome aboard. I am a bit confused about your ". . . desire for freedom." I desire demonstrable truth not freedom to believe unsupported assertions.
Perhaps poorly phrased. We seek the same i.e. to be able to rigorously test all assertions using provable math and science and not having to resort to any skullduggery.
@shivasregal Thanks for the clarification. I was hoping (and expecting) this was the case.
Pre-pandemic days I would often encounter theists at the YMCA (my gym) and go back and forth with them. Occasionally a theist would argue a variant of "Well, you're just an atheist, you can (are free to) believe anything you want, you have no morals.. . " I REALLY love it when they assert that load of BS as I can take it apart and demonstrate their are (on multiple levels) full of shit.