When a person or human organization makes a statement of fact or claims that something exists, it is up to the claimant to provide the supporting evidence -- not to others to provide the evidence to disprove it. If the claimant(s) cannot provide the proof, the claim is not to be taken seriously. In that vein, it is entirely to religious people and organizations to provide the empirical and rational proof for their god(s) -- nopt our burden to disprove their claims. In everything we do, we must put the burden on them to prove their claims. They can't and the more often we raise this cchallenge, the more often religion is going to lose credibility.
I agree that is is entirely up to the claimant to prove their statement that god exists. The problem I've experienced is that they want to use the bible to back up their claims. They don't seem to understand that the bible is not a credible source. To them, the bible was written by god whispering in someone's ear or head and so the words that person writes down are the words of god and not the words of their own mind. How do you argue with that? LOL
The bible, or any other religious book for that matter, cannot be used as a proof of god. Their religious tome was written by a god I give no credence to therefore the religious book they want to quote also has no credibility. But, you CANNOT convince them of that because in their minds the bible or koran or whatever book was written by their god and there is no greater source.
Responding to other posts here, I agree with Irascible and Hominid's comments.
To WordyWalt, I am sorry to hear that you can no longer read or drive. I have often thought that for me, losing the ability to read or speak would be a terrible fate. Giving up my independence by not being able to drive is whole other travesty. It happens to most of us but it forces us to face the harsh reality that we are all mortal and our bodies are failing us. A sobering thought, indeed.
unfortunately that same premise exists for any statement at all and unless you have a camera mounted on your forehead you have no proof of ANYTHING
Your intended diminishing of the statement with your "Camera on the forehead" comment is intentionally misleading. There MANY different kinds of proof -- all data-based. Don't play games.
Of course, the same could be applied to the theory of evolution, which is why science calls it a theory and not a fact. Until we can jump in a time machine and observe the exact moment of creation with our own eyes, every argument from either side of the fence is mere speculation.
Your definition of "theory" is both wrong and misleading. It closely resembles the nefarious misinformation attempts of creationists. The word theory means a set of fully interrelated constructs explaining an event or answering scientific questions, fully supported by scientific data and in accordance with scientific methods. It is not a wild hair as you depict. In fact, ALL available scientific evidence fully supports evolution. Some of the exact details are still open to debate, but the PRINCIPLE -- not theory -- of evolution is clearly settled science. You do no one -- including yourself -- no favors by misrepresenting things!
You are correct. The word "theory" does not imply the suggestion of "guessing" when it comes to science. What it does imply is that this is the way we understand a particular action or reaction based upon the laws of the universe as we currently grasp them. The word "theory" is used in order to leave room for re-evaluation as new understanding is achieved.