Think back to when you were religious. Did the church tell you when posting pictures on dating sites that you should put a cross in the background? It's a common practice in Arizona and I'm just wondering how all these women know to do this. Do men do it too?
Yeah I'm happy for the warning but still seems a bit odd that they all do this.
I don't know who circulated the cross memo. But I suspect it's the same person who told men they should never smile, and always obscure their faces with a hat and sunglasses. Also hold a dead fish whenever possible.
What's the dead fish for ?
I was raised in the Moron church. They don't do crosses. They also discourage dating outside the Moron religion. So, we just had to find someone at church meetings.
(Oops! I misspelled Mormon again.)
Ah I do that all the time too. I make silly mistakes like capitalizing in the wrong place, for example: "beLIEve" Or I get hit with a sort of a spelling/stuttering issue as I type like: "Amerikkka"
It's not a religious thing. They are just doing that to ward off vampires. Every notice they are wearing garlic around their necks?
It's probably the same reason that businesses have the Christian fish or cross in their advertisments; they feel the need to advertise their religion.
Personally, if you have to advertise you're a Christian, then you're someone I do not want to do business/meet with.
I do not think they are doing it to advise their religion, so much as to tell others of the same religion that "This would be a good place for you to spend your money, since we are in the same tribe, y'know"
I just think that many religious people display crosses in their homes and at work. It could be that some made a point of getting the cross in the picture. For others it may just be the usual stuff that is displayed around the home. I doubt they are acting on specific directions of the church.
Maybe they are just trying to ward you off.
it works
My church years were pre-internet, so this never came up.
We were very much against any display of the cross, though, and considered it a form of idolatry.
These days, I LIKE it when others display the cross. It lets me know right away what I'm dealing with.
A born skeptic, I was never religious.
Starting at age five when I was dropped off at Bible school with my siblings, I scoffed at ridiculous Bible stories: Jesus rose from the dead, Noah's Ark, a woman turned into salt, etc. Like Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Inwardly rolled my eyes. Never believed in an invisible god or ghosts.
You remind me of a friend. When he was a kid, and sent to Hebrew School, he asked the teacher one day "Do you really believe this shit?" He was never sent again.
Welcome to the red frontier Arizona is highly conservative therefore full of highly brainwashed people. Just my experience of 20 years fighting uphill in the desert.
Consider an upside down cross, or a cross with a noose around the neck part and hanging.
I became an unbeliever before social media came into existence.
The peddlers of bullshit will use every means at their disposal to keep peddling.
Having never been religious I have not been told anything by a church but on I think there is a box to tick if religious, or if a smoker. Things like that. It;s probably common practice to leave those blank so as not to frighten off potential dates.
I dated a lovely woman for a couple of years that I met on Match. I can't remember anything on her profile about being a christian but as I got to know her it transpired that she was a regular churchgoer and very religious. This did not cause a problem as it was not discussed and it was not this that ended our relationship but the fact that I could not afford "wine and Dine" her as she wished. As a senior teacher she probably earned twice what I did but I was expected to pay for everything. I think I sussed it out. She was very attractive and probably had guys chasing her and throwing money at her when young.. She married had two kids and then got divorced and brought them up on here own. She hadn't dated for all that time and now that the boys were grown up she decided to enter the dating game with the mindset of her earlier self.
That was 14 years ago and as far as I am aware she is still on her own. Shame.
I have never been religious, but the issue reminds me of something of a pain in my ass: ABC, owned by Disney, has a cross showing in the background of its news anchor broadcasts; over their left shoulder, trying to look innocuous, like just another bit of the background.