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I'm bragging a bit... 😀

My brother and SIL loaned their RV out as they won't be autocrossing this Summer...

RVs 4 MDs, a nonprofit formed last month by two Dallas-area women, connected him with a health care couple.

My brother drove his RV to the couple (80 miles away) so the husband, who is a nurse for the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, can have safe shelter after seeing covid-19 inmates.

The RN will have the RV free of cost until August.

So see? There are people doing good behind the scenes!

RavenCT 9 May 6

Enjoy being online again!

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There are people doing good behind the scenes all the time. It's just the government/politicians that are doing the opposite.


That's a wonderful thing to do and it keeps the medical personnel's family safe.


Disasters do have a way of bringing out the very best or very worst of people. Glad to hear your family is among the very best. 😊


Good job! I have no doubts that most of us are good people, doing our best for ourselves and others.





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