Excellent diversion attempt. Perhaps deal with the issue instead.
@PBuck0145 I see no need to deal with "news" for which I find lacking in credibility -- YMMV
@PBuck0145 . . . again ? are you hoping I don't check ?
@PBuck0145 Does anyone (excepting perhaps Islamists) think the teenagers' suffering was acceptable ? I think you would have a real hard time finding someone on THIS website that would think so.
This story went viral, covered by many credible sources. Even Macron found her a new school.
What 'Philosophy & Meaning' are you driving at ?
Why struggle with lousy sources when there are many good ones ?
"What 'Philosophy & Meaning' are you driving at ?"
That the "Religion of Peace" is actually a violent political ideology masquerading as a religion.
"Why struggle with lousy sources when there are many good ones ?"
I do not rely on leftist "fact checker" sites to determine the credibility of a source.