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Are some of the covid stimulus proposals so pie in the sky that even discussing them is counterproductive? []

Flowerwall 7 May 11

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Ignoring a threat just seems silly. That said, two months ago, anyone proposing a direct payment to people would have been tarred and feathered. Currently the political class is running scared for their next election cycle. This means that they need to funnel funds to their shareholders in order to ensure continued funding. Somehow I don't expect anything to be ruled out, as there is a struggle to keep money circulating and to keep the economic, political and religious status quo

I liked the new proposal I read about today. []

I just don't understand why some of the "loans" going to businesses are getting turned into grants in the programs that have already been set up. That doesn't seem to make sense. The government should follow through with the loan aspect unless the business truly cannot repay. Doing otherwise is absolutely wrong. I don't understand in what instances the loans are made into grants.

Interesting, money claimed now is a debt deferred, just the way that the gov't likes it. Either way anything that tries to push money into circulation can only work to the good of the economy. Yes people will want to save against the next rainy day, but there are always ongoing demands upon finances. I think that many would take the opportunity to escape the pressure of unpaid bills. Also, I think that we all have a break point, which says, OK, time to treat myself, for my austerity. But as always it's who and when does the piper get paid. 🙂

@Pompey Maybe in many instances govt only likes deferred debt when it comes to individuals, or maybe just a certain party likes it that way, but that is not true ALL the time, of course. I disapprove of loan forgiveness with any of these for-profit businesses UNLESS the funds were neccessary to existentially sustain through crisis and repayment is not feasible because the business is barely keeping it's head above water long after. Not big industry at all (no free money, only loans). And not smaller businesses that make a full recovery. Loan forgiveness in these two circumstances is RIDICULOUS! It's like the govt inserting money into an ATM and not expecting it back because it underwent the national covid crisis. If the govt is willing to loan funds on SS retirement benefits it is willing to wait a very long time frame for repayment. The same mentality can be used with business, but at a higher interest rate, of course. As to non-profits I would take a more lax approach on repayment depending on the value of the service to society overall and that would include even churches (sorry, that may cause some around here to be highly incensed).

It may be the best approach is a combination of another round of stimulus payments and the SS loan for individuals. Hopefully govt gets it right. I do know some of the details on the business side have not been fully worked out of the loans already in existence. We have to hope there is the right amount of assistance in the right places, but it is a work in progress. The best policies will be in appropriate balance and not over spending needlessly. More business stimulus may be needed too. We'll see as we move forward.


Welcome to the reality of pie in the sky!z!!

When reality meets the great art of deception!!!

The costs are very high. Even looking at policy proposals that have been been pitched by others in recent times the price tags are hard to believe. Some of these policies are pitched without a price tag even calculated! At some point we have to accept covid will do economic harm that we cannot just spend our way out of.


Depends mostly on one's political ideology.

I just think the numbers are so high. I don't read the federal spending budget really ever, but looking at the costs of this "free money " is really astounding.

@Flowerwall This virus illustrates most clearly how the money can be allocated anytime needed as are wars around the world.

@jlynn37 It can be allocated, but at what point does it bury us?

@Flowerwall The Shadow knows.

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