I am amazed at the number of seemingly intelligent people who either blindly subscribe to organized religion, or are fearful of being discriminated against for refusal to accept an imaginary being. The
practice represses the free exchange of ideas. Free thought, imagination, curiousity, and the demand for physical evidence are all the enemies of organized religion. The struggle seems to be about control and exploitation of other humans; rather than spiritual discovery or awakening. The acceptance of religious explanation for the phenomenae beyond our current understanding, both infuriates and disappoints me. Discussing these grievances in an open, public forum, is a minefield and those who venture there best be prepared to defend themselves against ignorance, intolerance, and the numerical superiority of their adversaries.
VERY well said. I couldn't agree more. I would like to bring up the instances of Christians I have known who are completely sincere in their beliefs, and actually "walk the walk". I tend to not challenge these people, because I do consider them a force for good in the world. But it makes me sad that they are so deceived. I worked as a nurse for many years, and one of the things that really convinced me that religion is a fraud was the people who cling desperately to life when they are in agonizing pain, because they are so afraid of hell. How can that be right?
Some people or groups are not worth the time as religion has become part of their identity. Nothing anyone says or does will make a dent.
Try not to get frustrated, keep the conversation about religion lite and when the opportunity arises plant a little seed. Once in a while, you will come across someone who is questioning and that is when you can make a difference.