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Am a recent member. But have read quite few post & discussions.
So I have few bones to pick.
I thought the site would be stimulating. Discussions about where,why and how members decided to be agnostics, or atheists.
Instead I find people blowing off steam about others things that 'bother' them. Which have nothing to do about the whys & wherefores of becoming agnostics.
Then of course, there is the dating thing. which would be nice to find someone of similar interests.
Also, the statement about "open to meet men/ or women"
What happened? Did most of you become celibates?
Afraid to be Open Free Thinkers ? Or just here vent & complain?
I might stick around a bit longer. But if things don't change, I'll just "Hit the Road".

JackMichaelson 4 Apr 3

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Click where it says "discuss" that's where the Groups are listed, you might find something to your liking there.


This is actually the best site I've found in many years of searching. I prefer the deeper religious discussions myself, but I have found it is a great place to get a feel for where peoples minds are. We are serious, light hearted, sometimes express dark humour and do vent. It is healthy. We do not tolerate bigotry, hate or other anti humanist crap.
Stick around, there are many groups that may fit your fancy!

Thanks for your commeent


I've always been able to find plenty of discussions on atheism, agnosticism, religion and a range of other subjects here - and yes, plenty of silliness and irreverence too, because most people like to have some fun. As for dating: you profile says you've been here for two days. You might need to invest a little more time if you want to find a partner.

Jnei Level 8 Apr 3, 2018

Thanks for your comment. I suppose there is much to what you say.

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