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ما هو رأيكَ في الإلحاد واللاَّدينيّه و هل لديكَ تجربه شخصيَّه في هذا المجال؟
This post is specifically created to gain some experience from Arabic speaking visitors of this platform on this matter! (Unfortunately I had explain that!)
Hold your horses my fellow English linguals! The (angry) Arabs/Muslims are not envading your sacred place on the web! And these are no 'holy scriptures' wishing you any harm! This might be a first but due the lack of existence of Arabic fora that discuss Atheism openly I figured there might be some Arabic speaking people(more than 400 million worldwide ) around here who want to discuss these theists matters, and this way encouging them to share their thoughts in the language of their choice, so I'm raising the question;
What is your opinion on Atheism and Agnosticism and do you have a peronal experience in that field?

PabloNeruda 6 May 19

Enjoy being online again!

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At age 13, I became an atheist when I realized the Bible is just a book of stories or fables like Grimm's Fairy Tales.

I chose rational thought, not magical beliefs.


Since this site has "agnostic" right in the title I would assume most members have a positive opinion of it. You must too, right?

Are you questioning my 'faith'? 😂😂😂

@PabloNeruda I am questioning your question. Doesn't matter if you are superstitious yourself. Indeed looking at your profile it doesn't look like you are superstitious/religious. The point is to ask a general question "what do you think of agnosticism" on an agnostic forum seemed odd.

People are sensitive about it because it is the kind of behavior we see from folks phishing for conflict.

@Observer-Effect I guess you miss the point completely! But if you tried a bit to let aside the stereotypes you would be able to see and Read that the whole point of the post is to understand and learn from the experience with and opinions on Atheism and Agnosticism from people from a completely different culture and views than Your own! You can't tell me you don't know how dangerous it is for people from Arabic/ middle eastern cultures to discuss this let alone being one! And why do you have to ask ME about 'my opinion of this website'? It's not the point and you could've done that in a message or by starting a post addressed personally to me! I don't mind!
And then you start to 'Question my Question'? 😂 And finally you are pretending to 'protect' the feelings of 'others' and FALSELY accusing me of 'fishing for a conflict'??? You really need to Get Real my friend and just try to see that it's not about you or me. It's about the ISSUE! I've actually started a post about the same wrong behavior you've shown for that matter. Going after the person and not his ideas!


English please?

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