A guy announces he is an atheist in church on Easter... Yep I did it! I just moved to Oregon and went to a Unitarian Universalist,church in Florence. My purpose was to network and let people know I am here. The pastor asked if anyone was brave enough to introduce themselves. I stood up and did so and told them that I was an ordained atheist minister(which I am I will be more than happy to answer questions about it). They smiled and nodded, really I could not believe it. After the service many introduced themselves and told me there Were other atheist in the church. I told them I wanted to be there as a humanitarian and help the community as needed. I also let them know I was interested in helping those that had been involved in extremist, fundamentalist cults as I was. They were extremely receptive. I did make a point of telling them I did not want to make anyone atheist,but I did think it was important for everyone to explore who and what god was. I could not believe how welcoming they were. I hope they will help me to have a place to sponsor Free Thinker or atheist meetings. I thought I would possibly put out a feeler, but I jumped in with both feet. We will see how it goes.
Good for you. Most UU congregations are very welcoming to atheists. Their issues, to the extent they have them, are not with atheists, but with what you might term "creedalists". They are a post-Christian, non-creedal group, instead they are what they self-describe as "covenental". We agree to love one another and our fellow man, etc. The only problems you'll run afoul of are disagreements about how that's implemented. My own local congregation has a tiresome tendency to substitute political ideology for religious ideology, and I struggle with that even though I largely agree with their politics, because the resultant cliquishness reminds me of the fundamentalist churches I grew up in, even if the cliques form around different shibboleths. Your mileage can, and will, vary.