I live on a world, and try to live in a world, with a bunch of fucking idiots.
I'm finally comfortable with this truth.
It isn't about religion. Some of the dumbest MFers I know are non-believers. smfh
God Bless America.
if you continue to think of them as idiots then you're always going to be in this dilemma. that's the problem in our country and world today.
look at it this way - YOU didn't arrive at that intellectual level unassisted. You benefited from the intellectual advancements of millions of years of years of evolution through trial and error. The simple fact you can think and communicate to make such deductions belies a tremendous history of advancement necessary to allow such things. You needed help to get here just as others do right now. So the insults are disingenuous and very myopic.
Don't be like BILLARY and blame voters .... the PROBLEM is IGNORANT PEOPLE as you just posted....dumb as posts idiots who are deliberately stupid unwilling to learn .....we will have free healthcare like we have free libraries when more people vote for what we need
What's it about, then?
@SeaGreenEyez Hey, no need! You're right. It's NOT about religion! It's about...humility, honesty, and a little common sense.
I have not read all your posts but most I love and re-read often....I am inspired and encouraged by your interests AND COMMENTARY many times I thanked you and this time ever so gratefully keep all the items linked for our learning