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I'm not quite sure what's more offensive ...

1.) These people opened, and have operated, "Museum of the Bible" in my Nation's Capital (ie: 🖕 separation of church and state);
2.) My tax dollars, during a global pandemic, are being spent to retrieve stolen religious artifacts;
3.) These people spent $1.6 MILLION on a stolen religious artifact being called a "work of literature" rather than a "work of fictional literature." or
4.) These artifacts were stolen from Iraq when the US government lied in order to do a regime change war in Iraq.


I think I'll go with #s 2, 3 and 4. 😔

Gilgamesh tablet: Bid to confiscate artefact from Museum of the Bible


SeaGreenEyez 9 May 20

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Hobby Lobby = 100% OFFENSIVE I choose all of the above put the frosting on this theocrat cake in Kentucky with the GENOCIDE & INCEST PARK built with taxpayer millions....our billboard was paid for by Atheists ridiculing the ARK bullshit


It sounds like Christies bears the blame here.

  1. It’s a free country and anyone can build a museum anywhere. Aren’t there churches in DC? Separation of church and state? What do you mean?

  2. Not many dollars, and it has to be done. Note that Hobby Lobby is fully cooperating.

  3. You have a valid point there—either lied or was mistaken. Either way, Iraq was none of our damned business and we created a horrible mess. Thanks GWB. But who actually stole the artifacts? Not the US government.

@maturin1919 It needs to be done, ethically. Stolen artifacts should be returned to the rightful owners. And there are laws.

The epic of Gilgamesh is The oldest surviving great work of literature in the world, based on epic Sumerian poems. How does that relate to the Hebrew Bible? They are radically different from each other.

@maturin1919 They are both books.

Either I read something wrong or the post has been edited. I’m changing my response.

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