What do you say about dialectical materialism?
Marx kinda bent this philosophy to feed his own political agenda, materialism, in one form or another drives almost all societies. In the end, we are driven by the need to eat and reproduce just like all animals, when both are in ample supply the "need" is transferred. Some people have a stronger need than others. Some of these people have better leadership skills than others, hence, their "needs" become part of the society. It is the same in Marxism. The problem with Marxism? Didn't take human nature into consideration. Same as capitalism.
An over simplification. Yes, the stuff humans build in of itself does effect how we think but that is just one part of our existence.
No microwave ever made a person a buddhist but at the same time no one would know what you meant when you said a clockwork universe in 2000 BCE.
Ithink that you are talking about a phrase central to Marxism and communism. Marxism or communism is by its very nature a totalitarian total system ideology that is fatally flawed. Read THE NEW CLASS by Milovan Djilas. Djilas was the communist vice president of Yiugoslavia and came to understand communism in its entirely. He became totally disillusioned with the ideology and wrote the book to expose the real flaws in it. As a result he was sentenced to 20 years inprison. He knew that would be the result, but felt that the discrediting of the ideology was that important!
But marxism can be modified with present scenarios and i had been brought up revolution in russia.
But i will read milovan for better bifurcation.